Posts Tagged ‘wordpress documentation’

Do you use the WordPress Codex?

July 28th, 2009
Blogging News, brainstorming

Jeff and I have been having some interesting discussions surrounding the WordPress Codex and WordPress documentation. In case you were not aware, there is some fantastic volunteering work going on in WordPress documentation. We would like to see more people involved in the use of and help with the Codex and have some ideas up our sleeves towards that end. However, I think we also need to know what we are dealing with and would like some input from our readers. I see two different audiences of the Codex and thus the two separate polls. Comments are also appreciated. Let us know if you want to help with the Codex or if you would like to help with WordPress documentation. You are a Blogger. How often do you use the WordPress Codex?(online surveys) You are a Developer/Designer. How often do you use the WordPress Codex?(online surveys)

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