Posts Tagged ‘Thelonious’

WordPress 3.0 Moving Fast

June 20th, 2010
WordPress, WordPress Discussions

Actually this should not be a big surprise for those of us who frequent sites like this to see that the latest version of WordPress is moving out the door at this kind of pace. If you want to watch the parade of downloads then you should check out this site: Personally I do not remember a similar download counter on past versions but that does not mean it did not exist.  Maybe someone from WordPress can comment on how this versions download pace compares to past updates. I think that would be interesting to know and compare. I grabbed this screenshot at 8:20 AM EDT just to give you a frame of reference I did some very rough calculations and watched the counter for 60 seconds to get an idea of just how fast those downloads are happening: 50 downloads per minute 3,000 downloads per hour 72,000 downloads […]

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