WP Theme: UtomBox4u Clean and clear, very graphical (lots of icons) modification of Hemingway for WordPress. This theme has UTW, Gravatar support and recent comments support. Thanks ThoughtFarm
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: UtomBox4u Clean and clear, very graphical (lots of icons) modification of Hemingway for WordPress. This theme has UTW, Gravatar support and recent comments support. Thanks ThoughtFarm
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Murdock One column, blocky, dark on light, clean and clear version of Hemingway with a distinct diary like feel. I find the text very easy to read in this format. There is a haeder menu for the pages and the search form is located on the top right corner of the theme.
[Continue Reading...]WP theme: HemmingwayPearl Striking, red, very wide Hemingway modification for WordPress with AJAX commenting enabled.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Hemingway Two column, light on dark, optimized and very cool theme for WordPress. As seen on this screenshot the original theme was for Typo and ported over to WordPress. I like the simplicity, the positioning of the items on the page and I really like the neat and clean look.
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