Posts Tagged ‘General’

Blogging Makes Me Think

December 28th, 2006
Blogging Essays, General

This is the fourteenth entrant in The Blogging Essay Contest from If you would like to participate, please email me your entry at mark at wltc dot net. Please rate this article using the star system below. The competition will be judged primarily on the input from readers like you. Thank you. This is written by Abhijit Nadgouda I never considered writing a necessity. Understandably, I was not a big fan of documentation. It required me to do a lot of things that I was not interested in, like improving my language vocabulary and grammar, and getting it proofed by the ones with an upper hand. I was too busy with programming languages to worry about such things, talking to the machines was more interesting than talking to people. Things slowly changed with my work. I was suddenly supposed to do many more things, and my talks with people […]

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Blog Me, Seymore (then Google Me, please)

December 24th, 2006
Blogging Essays, General

This is the thirteenth entrant in The Blogging Essay Contest from If you would like to participate, please email me your entry at mark at wltc dot net. Please rate this article using the star system below. The competition will be judged primarily on the input from readers like you. Thank you. This is written by Claudia Pena Entry 9-21-06: Mayans and many Mexicans today still have a delicacy of quail in rose petals…wow, they can say their fecal matter smells like roses and be honest. Are there any more cultures that have such delicacy? On that same month I also wrote one of my longest pieces about my strained relationship with my mother and took a political stand on the climate fear on my website. I spent hours on the computer. From the time I came home from work at 5 until midnight, I was writing, reading, searching, […]

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

December 24th, 2006

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays to all. Even though most holidays are working ones for me anymore, I am very thankful to have a wonderful family to spend Christmas with. I hope everyone gets to enjoy some time off and have a safe and happy holiday. This is also the time to donate money to the poor and help those in need.

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AdSense and image placement

December 19th, 2006
Blogging News, Business of Blogging, General

AdSense and image placement We ask that publishers not line up images and ads in a way that suggests a relationship between the images and the ads. If your visitors believe that the images and the ads are directly associated, or that the advertiser is offering the exact item found in the neighboring image, they may click the ad expecting to find something that isn’t actually being offered. That’s not a good experience for users or advertisers. This is important for many AdSense publishers. From the examples that have been provided, if you are using a plugin like AdSense Beautifier, you might be violating Google’s AdSense policies and might want to look into removing the plugin.

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Re-thinking Weblog Advertising

December 18th, 2006
Blogging Essays, General

This is the twelfth entrant in The Blogging Essay Contest from If you would like to participate, please email me your entry at mark at wltc dot net. Please rate this article using the star system below. The competition will be judged primarily on the input from readers like you. Thank you. This is written by The Private Intellectual It’s probably something which you hardly notice, something which is there, but also not there. You see it every single day of your waking life – some people even dream about it – and yet you don’t see it or, at least, it doesn’t register in the same way. Advertising is as much a part of our lives as eating and drinking: no matter where you are or what you are doing, there is something close at hand which is advertising a product someone wants you to buy. It could […]

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Things You Should Avoid Blogging About

December 17th, 2006
Blogging Essays, General

This is the eleventh entrant in The Blogging Essay Contest from If you would like to participate, please email me your entry at mark at wltc dot net. Please rate this article using the star system below. The competition will be judged primarily on the input from readers like you. Thank you. This is written by Ronald Huereca When writing for a blog, there are what seems an endless amount of topics to choose from. Bloggers write about design, cars, blogging, technology, gadgets, and more. However, there comes a time when bloggers are running on empty and can’t decide what to write about. During those lull-in-blogging moments, certain bloggers may be tempted to write about topics as useless as making a grilled-cheese sandwich. Throughout my limited exposure in the blogging world, I have come across topics that seem as taboo as yelling “bomb” in a movie theater. Within this […]

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Who are bloggers?

December 17th, 2006
Blogging Essays, General

This is the tenth entrant in The Blogging Essay Contest from If you would like to participate, please email me your entry at mark at wltc dot net. Please rate this article using the star system below. The competition will be judged primarily on the input from readers like you. Thank you. This is written by Infocrat Who are bloggers? Why do they blog? What do they blog about? Find out. Why do people keep blogs? What drives millions of people to spew billions of weightless words out into the void? Some, perhaps most, are personal bloggers. They create a blog as a public diary, so that their friends, family, and fan clubs can keep tabs on what they’re up to from day to day. It’s a way of record-keeping as well; it’s comforting to look back through one’s archives and find that the all-consuming troubles of November 2005 […]

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The Shawshank Redemption and Blogging

December 14th, 2006
Blogging Essays, General

This is the ninth entrant in The Blogging Essay Contest from If you would like to participate, please email me your entry at mark at wltc dot net. Please rate this article using the star system below. The competition will be judged primarily on the input from readers like you. Thank you. This is written by The Simple Dollar Also, please read about their favorite charity, The Child Abuse Prevention Center The film The Shawshank Redemption has become something of a Western pop culture touchstone, mostly because it is the story of an individual human spirit refusing to break and, in that refusal, rising up to inspire others. In the end, isn’t that the story that we hope that our blogs will tell, one that rises above the morass of other blogs to inspire and entertain others? It turns out that the film contains an abundance of lessons about […]

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Blogging: Professionalism and passion

December 14th, 2006
Blogging Essays, General

This is the eighth entrant in The Blogging Essay Contest from If you would like to participate, please email me your entry at mark at wltc dot net. Please rate this article using the star system below. The competition will be judged primarily on the input from readers like you. Thank you.This is written by Steven Hodson from I’ve tried several times to start this essay using various hot ticket items as a starting point and in the end I hit the delete button and come back to the why’s and wherefore’s of why I started blogging. Not that the idea of sharing my thoughts or points of view was anything new for me. After all when you’ve been around computers as long as I have; going on the better part of 20 years, you see a lot of the next big thing‘s come and go. Long before […]

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