Posts Tagged ‘comment enhancements’

9 Ways to Make Your WordPress Blog “Smart”

April 29th, 2009
HOW-TO, WordPress FAQs

Many of you might be confused by the title and the term “smart”. To me a “smart” blog is a blog that behaves differently depending on its visitors’ behavior and characteristics. A simple example of this is a blog that displays a list of today’s most popular posts on the sidebar. The list changes based on visitors’ behavior so to this is definitely a smart blog feature. There are plenty of WordPress plugins out there that do this for you automatically (e.g. Top 10), but that is not the point. The point here is that having the ability to morph your blog per visitor activity can assist you in meeting your conversion goals (whatever they may be). A list of popular posts is quite a simple feature, so let me take you to another level by showing you more ways to make your blog smart. List of “Smart” Features to […]

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Are your theme’s comments WordPress 2.7 compatible?


Making your theme’s comments compatible with WordPress 2.7 and earlier versions.: If you are a theme designer or author, you need to know that your legacy theme’s comments page will not be compatible with WordPress 2.7 Justin Tadlock has written up a simple (and clean) procedure to make the comments page compatible with WordPress 2.7 and still be backwards compatible with slightly older version of WordPress. While we are on the subject of comments and WordPress 2.7, Otto has also written a detailed post on the new comment enhancements in WordPress 2.7. Judging from the comments and reading through the article, it is a very well written peice and should answer most questions on the new features. [EDIT] As astutely pointed out in the comments, all themes should continue to work fine with original functionality. However to use the newly introduced commenting features of WordPress 2.7, older themes will have […]

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