Over the past few weeks, I’ve witnessed many discussions throughout the WordPress community pertaining to the version number of WordPress. Many think that because of the reworked user interface and the large number of features that this version (2.7) will contain, this should allow the software to be bumped up to version 3.0 I asked the WP-Testers mailing list to see if I could get a word from either Ryan or Matt to tell me if 2.7 would remain or if it would be bumped up to 3.0. Jane Wells chimed in saying that Matt doesn’t want to skip version numbers anymore, and that there will be ten increments between integers, so 2.9 > 3.0, not 2.9 > 2.10. Yes, 2.7 is a major change, but the numbers are based on timing, not volume or significance of change. So there you have it. WordPress 2.7 will be, WordPress 2.7. 2.8 […]
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WordPress 2.7 Comment Enhancements
Otto, who is a well known and respected member of the WordPress community has published a pretty cool article (WordPress 2.7 Comment Enhancements) which explains the various comment enhancements that have made it to the core of WordPress 2.7 thus far. Otto’s reasoning behind the post was to allow theme authors to gain a head start on creating themes which will be compatible with WordPress 2.7. One thing to keep in mind while reading this article is that, this information was compiled from using the latest developmental version of WordPress 2.7. This means things may not be set in stone with further additions or retractions possible before the initial release. Here are some of the enhancements that Otto covers: Creating a 2.7 compatible comments.php file Password protection check The comments loop The power of Ajax Styling Thanks Otto.
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