WordPress 3.4 Beta 4 has been released, with quite possibly the most brief, and yet most simply descriptive, release announcement yet. I’ll take the liberty of forever preserving it below in all its glory: Less bugs, more polish, the same beta disclaimers. Download, test, report bugs. Thanks much. /ryan #thewholebrevitything So, let’s break that down just a bit in case you’re not yet familiar with what’s going on. First, WordPress 3.4 Beta 4 has less bugs and is a bit snappier and cleaner than the previous beta releases, but the same disclaimers are still valid. This is not yet meant for live sites, but please do take a few swings at it on a test installation, especially if you are a plugin or theme developer. If you find any bugs, please report them, and contact the support forums if you need any help.
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