‘WordPress Templates WordPress Skins WordPress Themes’ Category

WordPress Theme Releases for 3/21


Shiny Things is a two column, pink white and beige theme.

Sapphire style for K2 WordPress theme is a style for K2 based on the Sapphire theme.

Strips is a two column, green, widget ready theme.

Freedom is a two column WordPress theme with a left-hand sidebar. Freedom has a sunset-red background with a silhouette of the Statue of Liberty in the footer.

Ygoent is a 2 column widget ready theme with a dark background, very bright colors.

Qgrunge is a two column lime green theme.

Orange Sunrise is a 2 Column, Orange, Brown, White and Gray, Fixed width, Widget ready theme.

Check out Alastor’s themes.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/20


RockinPink is a girly 2 column, widgetized theme with brown and green accents, plus an easily changeable graphical header. Photoshop file included.

Recetas theme is a simple, rounded, colorful, two columns WordPress theme.

The Skittlish WordPress Theme is a port of Cristi Balan’s Mephisto theme. It’s a candy colored theme with seven color options plus options for fluid or fixed widths.

Green Wave WordPress Theme is a two column, dark green, widget ready theme.

PressCut is a fresh, clean, XHTML and CSS validated theme for WordPress by Gio based on Cutline Theme.

Schizo has ten free header images for Cutline.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/19


WordPress Green is a two column, widget ready green theme.

Green Lush is a fresh, neat and clean two column theme for WordPress based on a Blogger Template by Yamasaki.

Cory has released RockinNewspaper 3 Column and RockinNewspaper for AdSense.

jquindlen has released QNight and DeepBlue.

Minimilistica is a three-column, primarily one-column, completely minimalistic theme. Very lightweight and completely customizable through an admin panel. Supports WordPress Widgets, Gravatars, ZooomrRSS, and FlickrRSS by default.

Jammed and Green is a two column, clean and green theme.

YGoajx is a simple 3 column elegant theme loosely based on the principals of web 2.0 and enhanced by Ajax.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/17


Idyllic is a two column widget-ready colorful theme with a flair of art based on a design by Ian Smith.

jquindlen has release Sailbits, Watch and ClassyGal.

SoftlySoftly is a soft pink theme that is clean, clear and easy on the eye.

bbpress theme is a theme based on Bbpress layout. Comes with inbuilt support for several plugins.

Greenland is a two column fluid width, widget ready theme.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/16


Favoloso is a 3-column fluid theme, which is very light and features soft colors.

Vertical is a simple three column fixed width theme.

RockinBlue 2.0 is a Web 2.0-style, widget-ready, two-column, clean and sleek theme with BIG FONTS and easily changed graphical header, with Photoshop file included.

JD Sky 3C is a three column widget ready theme with the sky as the background.

Straightlaced is a two-column, clean, efficient looking theme that is ideal for the no-nonsense blogger.

WPTP2 is a 2 column theme with light colours and a striped black background.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/15


Orange Sunrise is a widget ready, 2 columns WordPress template with a professional look by Headsetoptions.org and MandarinMusing based on design by dcarter. This theme has a orange sunrise header, fixed width and a right sidebar.

Furry Palms is a simple greenish theme with 2-columns, Georgia base font, elegant almost old looking background.

Cliff is a bright and fresh widget ready theme with an outdoors feel.

Milo has released New Yorker and Sushi.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/14


RockinSuckerfish is a modern web 2.0 looking theme with suckerfish dropdowns instead of sidebars.

Straightlaced is a 2 column theme for WordPress 2.1. Straightlaced uses no-nonsense, simplistic lines to produce a theme that is suitable for the businessperson, student, or anyone else who wants a masculine, businesslike blog.

iFoney is a 2 column theme for WordPress 2.1. Based on the new iPhone by Apple, iFoney uses dark colours and rounded portions to make it look like an iPhone.

Pseudo Shui is a two column, pixelated, minimalist looking theme using the colours red, black and white to give a high contrast.

Rounded is a simple 2 column widget ready WordPress template by Headsetoptions and MandarinMusing based on a design by Mitchinson.net.

Unlimited is a 2-column fixed with wordpress theme, with Custom Header Image.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/13


Refreshing is a two column widget ready theme with a broad sidebar.

Darn Slick Gadgets is a two column is a clean, two column, widget ready theme.

Fog is designed with a three column fluid layout and a custom glass painting as a background.

jquindlen has released MusicJam and BlueBusiness.

crystalx is a sleek new WordPress template with a Bright Blue header and rounded corners by headsetoptions.org and Mandarin Musing based on design by Nuvio.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/12


Just Wood is a soft-tone, natural 2-column theme which features a natural wood header and subtle stripes on the background layer.

BlueSpot is a combination of 2 themes, Aquablue and Coffeespot (both can be found on http://www.wpthemepark.com) by Gurdit. It’s a clean, fixed-width, 2 column blue and white theme.

Dirtylicious is a soft-colored, bright and somewhat dirty two-column theme with widget support.

Ornamental Black is a two column classic theme, in shades of black and white.

RockinGreen is a 3-column, green, white and grey, clean and simple theme designed for easy reading and customization with sidebars on the right of the main content.

SEO Simple is a simple two and three columns theme.

Carrots Anywhere is a two column theme featuring carrots (there’s also a blue bunny).

Kaushal has released Tick Tock Blue, Orange, Green and Purple.

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