The Seven Deadly Sins of Blogging: Mostly good advice.
[Continue Reading...]The Seven Deadly Sins of Blogging: Mostly good advice.
[Continue Reading...]Google Base blog import instructions You can add your existing content to the Google Base for broad distribution with only a few easy steps Follow Niall’s steps to make your blog content available and distributed through Google Base.
[Continue Reading...]Matt in Newsweek: This article has been regurgitated in a bunch of publications, the latest of which is in a column in Newsweek. “It’s the No. 1 problem for search engines,” says Matt Mullenweg of WordPress, a blog-software service. … commenting on Splogs.
[Continue Reading...]If you want to make your Blog temporarily unavailable (scheduled maintenance for example) you have two very simple and efficient ways : a plugin, or a theme.
[Continue Reading...]Hyperthreading hurts server performance: With both SQL Server and Citrix Terminal Server installations, HT-enabled motherboards show markedly degraded performance under heavy load Who would have thought? 😉
[Continue Reading...]WP Hack: Server Load Graphic Show a small graphic with the server load. Requires GD.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: WheatGrass and Sapphire: Nicely positioned, readable, pleasing to the eye and sobre two column themes for WordPress. Via Email.
[Continue Reading...]Google Analytics Swings at Measure Map Does ANYONE have Google Analytics working yet? Anyone?
[Continue Reading...]The Ten Evilest and Mostly Unethical Blogging Hacks: As a follow up to the Joi Ito snafu, Jack of All Blogs wants bloggers to hack a bunch of stuff to make themeselves popular. The Chitika thing is running out of steam (especially since Chitika seems to have dried up of real revenue). Try it out for yourself here.
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