The Top 10 interesting people in the Blogosphere in 2005: Interesting read, especially since Matt rises up and above all the others. Also of note is that blogging “networks” are dominating that list. Anyone read the Wired article on Jason? PS: Duncan, you need a better server!
[Continue Reading...]ajchat: AJAX chatrooms, create rooms on demand, share from a website, link from a blog. I hate iframes and really dislike those little “shoutbox” things, but thats a personal preference. I do like the IRC like instant chatrooms. I wonder if there are any plans to release the code? ajchat: Try out the weblogtoolscollection chat
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: WPAndreas03 Bold, well laid out, clean and pleasing two column theme for WordPress. It was pointed out by Andreas of fame. The author of WPANdreas03 claims that he has tested the theme with the upcoming WordPress 2.0 and it works fine.
[Continue Reading...]Lost in Translation: Amazingly funny! Try “Merry Christmas!”
[Continue Reading...]WordPress and Performancing Extension for Firefox: A Dummies version of implementing the extension for WordPress. As a musing, a few years ago, “Dummies Version” would/could have offended some people, but the “…” for Dummies series of books have become so common that any tutorial labeled as “for dummies” is meant to be viewed as written simply, succintly with the most novice user in mind. [EDIT] The extension is buggy. They need to stop adding slashes for WordPress posts!
[Continue Reading...]One in Five Blogs Is Spam While 80,000 blogs may be created every day, about one in five is spam, according to new research. Surprised? Nah!
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Theme Zip: easiest (and laziest) way to generate a zip archive from a WordPress Theme that is being worked on, so you don’t have to manually create, update and upload a new zip file every time you modify a file in it.
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Upload Management Tip: If you have a WordPress upload folder (like my b2-img) that is overflowing with stuff.
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WordPress Ajax Commenting Tutorial
WordPress Ajax Commenting Tutorial: A well rounded tutorial for adding AJAX commenting to your WordPress theme with examples from existing templates.
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