WP Add-on: eBayBox Allows people to display their auctions on their websites. The API might be be a good starting point for other tools.
[Continue Reading...]WP Add-on: eBayBox Allows people to display their auctions on their websites. The API might be be a good starting point for other tools.
[Continue Reading...]Since so many people, especially photo bloggers, are interested in one column theme, WPThemes.Info is releasing a new theme called One Column. Check it out !
[Continue Reading...]10 Flickr Hacks Some of these have been listed on weblogtoolscollection before but some like Retrievr, are new.
[Continue Reading...]I have released a .psd file for the header for my theme Connections Reloaded. Read more and download…
[Continue Reading...]Scuttle: Online Bookmarks Manager Open source with a scathing review from Rubel
[Continue Reading...]The Real Reason Blogging is Hard But mostly it’s hard because of the grind.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Ambiru Installment three of WP Theme a Day from Phu. This time it is a clean, crisp, narrow, one column theme with some nice images and cool greens.
[Continue Reading...]Cool: Live Thumbnails Make galleries with images that grow to full size in the windows when clicked. Much like a Flash gallery, but without the Flash. I can only imagine the possibilities. For those that do not want to wade through the whole article, here is the demo.
[Continue Reading...]Google Web Page Creator: A simplistic WYSIWYG type web page creator from Google that allows GMail users (for now) to publish their own webpages at http://username.googlepages.com Try your hand with your GMail account.
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