WP Theme : Anthosia2 Two column Blue color based WordPress theme featuring a beautiful image of flower. It supports Widgets too.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme : Anthosia2 Two column Blue color based WordPress theme featuring a beautiful image of flower. It supports Widgets too.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Living on an Island Three column, really crisp and clean theme for WordPress. The header graphic and the border around the edge really grabs my attention though it does remind me of a couple of other themes that I liked.
[Continue Reading...]WordPress and HTML_AJAX A simple programmers’ tutorial to write HTML_AJAX plugins for WordPress.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: ALPHA for Churches The original intent of the theme author was to provide an easy to update and dynamic platform for churches to keep their patrons up to date. Here is an example.
[Continue Reading...]WP Plugin: Top 10 posts with Widgets Support Paul has added widgets support to my old Top 10 Posts plugin. Thanks Paul. Also, there is a news section of weblogtoolscollection that makes it easier to post new items to weblogtoolscollection.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: blog.txt Minimalist, 2 column, elastic, black on white theme for WordPress with shaded ads and blockquotes.
[Continue Reading...]Bloggers’ gang sign: Now on a t-shirt near you!
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: TechnoBlue Three column, blue (ha!) theme for WordPress based on K2 with built in support for a few popular plugins.
[Continue Reading...]Canvas: Available for Download I would love to see an honest and unbiased review of Canvas and its capabilities.
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