WP Theme: Black Kryptonite Two column, light on dark, left sidebar theme for WordPress with focus on standards compliance, speed and reability.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Black Kryptonite Two column, light on dark, left sidebar theme for WordPress with focus on standards compliance, speed and reability.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Preow Two column, white on black border, rin-like header image theme for WordPress that looks polished. Looks like the original came from SixShooterMedia where you can find a few more free, modern looking, standards compliant templates to be converted to WordPress themes.
[Continue Reading...]WP Plugin: Limited Use Password Send a “limited use” password to a password protected post on your WordPress blog with this plugin without sharing the actual password.
[Continue Reading...]Kubrick Glossy Header Images I like the blue one.
[Continue Reading...]WP Plugin: Image Gallery Simply build small galleries within your WordPress posts from photographs uploaded to a folder on your server. Judging from the code, I assume GD is is needed, but is not mentioned in the author’s post. Example galleries here.
[Continue Reading...]Mouseover Transparent Dock: Create a transparent (semi) dock-like menu on your page/blog with Javascript. I can see this becoming common on newer themes. Pretty cool if you are into this kind of thing. The only issue I see with this is that you have to let the user know that this exists, otherwise it would never occur to me know mouse over the header to get a new menu. Thanks Javascript Weblog
[Continue Reading...]Feed Collectors: From their about page … Feed Collectors is a new web tool that collects and socializes your feeds. So, it is a private Technorati of sorts? Thus the name Pulverati(look at the end of this post)? This is still in private beta but it sure would be an interesting way to skim hundreds of feeds to find clouds of information needed. Thanks to a link from Pulverati
[Continue Reading...]Earthlink Feed Reader: I guess the cat got out of the bag before it really should have left the litter box, so to speak. Earthlink has been secretly developing an online and free feedreader and social bookmarking site. Arrington details how they were found and some of the salient features, benefits, weaknesses and styling. I personally like the clean interface of the bookmarking site but most of these del.icio.us wannabes tend to have clean interfaces anyways. There is also an Earthlink blog that talks about the recent discovery.
[Continue Reading...]Microsoft on Blog Spam It looks like they did a lot of searching of Blogger and Google’s related sites to try and dig up dirt. Akismet gets a mention. Sadly, all big talk and no solution or hint at a solution from Microsoft.
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