Microsoft Recruiting Paid Bloggers Many professional bloggers are already poo-pooing the idea but I am not ready to discount MS yet. Microsoft has failed in the content game before but they do seem to have strong groups of people that “get” blogging and promotion through blogging (ala Channel 9, Scoble etc.). CNET has done a marvellous job at content blogging followed closely by others such as Weblogs Inc and Gawker Media. Persistent Microsoft with fair guidance from their own blogging gurus might just hit the mark this time. I cannot imagine the resources that a Microsoft blogger would have at their disposal and what they could produce with those resources. Thanks Threadwatch PS: I am quite tired of the phrase “get blogging”. Successfull Blogging is about faithful and clever journalistic marketing and not some tech savvy utopian ideal that only certain people are privvy to. Everyone gets blogging and good/useful […]
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