‘General’ Category

IMPORTANT – Live Journal Plugins Update


UPDATE TO THE LATEST VERSION NOW!!! Sorry to say, I made a bit mistake and I suggest everyone upgrade to the latest version of the LJ plugins. You can download the whoe set here otherwise look in your plugins admin interface to see the url for the individual packages. After upgrading, delete ljsynch.config.inc. Again, very sorry, it should be fixed with the new versions.

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XHTML Tips and Tricks


In keeping with my previous post about promoting better programming/coding/markup/style practices among present developers and designers, I have decided to add a couple of categories to this blog and promise to add a few articles every week to those categories. XHTML syntax, better semantics, (common) validation issues and fixes for them, better explanation of validation errors are fair game. I invite my readers to contribute to this process as well and would appreciate a small post if and when you solve a complicated (or simple) validation issue for yourself. On a similar note, I am still looking for more authors for this blog. WordPress people are, as always, more than welcome, but my focus is on getting some authors for other blog tools such as Drupal, MT, Bloxsom etc. If you would like to write (and conversely get exposure for your site/blog/tool) a couple of articles a month for weblogtoolscollection.com, […]

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Pictorialis clarifications

June 15th, 2004

I have had enough comments and emails on Pictorialis that I feel that I need to clarify what the software is and what it really does. Pictorialis *does not* require a prior installation of WordPress or any prior knowledge of WordPress. It is a standalone Gallery (like) tool that creates nice looking, well formatted galleries for you without tables or storage in flat files. You *do* require MySql and PHP on your server to be able to run this program.

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New email

June 10th, 2004

I have changed my email for all my blogs. If you want to contact me, please email me at markghosh at gmail dot com

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New support forums for Pictorialis etc.

June 8th, 2004

I have noticed that the amount of support requests I receive (especially for Pictorialis) is something that I am unable to cope with and still be able to produce new code. So I am asking for your help as well as offering you a better way of getting in touch with the people that are able to help (as well as be helped). I have created a new “forum” on my existing bulletin board (PhpBB, I know) for Pictorialis and another for my other more general WordPress tweaks/plugins. The new forums can be visited here. I will visit very often and will try to help as much as I can. I sure would appreciate others chipping in as well. Thank you for all your support! [EDIT] New Pictorialis Project Page. Please Bookmark.

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A new UI for WordPress…


Hey, back again with more sillyness. For those of you who are not quite… how you say happy with the current admin layout in WordPress you now have a choice.  I have released the first version of my admin UI redesign over at my site that dramatically streamlines the UI. One of the exciting things about this is that already there are people running with this creating color variations to widen the choices we will have.  Look for more on this in the future.

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WP Users Online With Detailed Statistics

June 6th, 2004
General, WordPress Hack

Lester Chan has come up with a detailed Users Online with statistics for WordPress. This is an extension of my “Online Users” idea. Check out the implementation here: http://www.lesterchan.net/blogs/wp-online.php Download more information here: http://www.lesterchan.net/portfolio/programming/wp-useronline.zip

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Spam words bug

June 1st, 2004
General, WordPress Hack

In WP 1.2 there’s a bug in the built-in blacklist function. If you haven’t tried this out as a way of protecting your blog from comment spam, you should look into this. The default list is empty, and you can enter words, author names, email addresses, IP address, and URI/URLs. If any word in the list matches anything in the comment text, comment author’s name, comment author’s email address, comment author’s URL, or comment author’s IP address, the comment will be held for moderation. The bug is that if there’s a blank line in or at the end of the list, it’s treated as a wildcard, and it matches anything in the comment body. So all comments will be moderated regardless of comments. This is fixed in the CVS, but I thought I’d publish the fix for those that don’t want to run a diff against the CVS version. (Also, […]

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Upgrade *should* be complete

May 31st, 2004

I had not checked a few odds and ends of the site and the upgrade had borked the comments. They should be fixed now. If you find anything else is amiss, please email me at dinki at mac dot com In the meantime, please enjoy and use this blog. The software might another facelift (in the works) soon and it should start becoming more user and code friendly. Search and code listings will definitely become better defined. Two requests: 1) Please spread the word about this site. A link would be greatly appreciated. 2) Please contribute. It is a great way to get attention for your own blog/site/work. I am always looking for authors and welcome everyone. Just register and send me an email saying you did and would like to be given author privileges. Thats all. I apologize again for any inconvenience.

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