TIME.com: 10 Cool Websites Congratulations and thanks to LifeHacker
[Continue Reading...]TIME.com: 10 Cool Websites Congratulations and thanks to LifeHacker
[Continue Reading...]Beta Technorati: I like the new look, very reminiscent of Ajax powered tools that have recently cropped up. Thanks Lee
[Continue Reading...]Watch next week for the introduction of “wikitorials” — an online feature that will empower you to rewrite Los Angeles Times editorials Thanks Ross
[Continue Reading...]Blogging Becomes A Corporate Job Interesting read for bloggers looking to make the leap of faith, complete with salaries and links.
[Continue Reading...]Blogebrity: Blogging Celebrity Wanna know the who’s who of blogging? Thanks Ensight
[Continue Reading...]Zero to (free) shopping cart in sixty minutes Have stuff to sell not a lot of moolah to put into building and maintaining a shopping cart? Take a gander at this tutorial. Worthy of mention is that this can be performed very easily with a WordPress blog as well, but Blogger will have tighter integeration.
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Plugin: AdRotator – Ad Rotating Solution for your Ads including AdSense: Setup a bunch of ad accounts and rotate them at will on your blog.
[Continue Reading...]21Publish: Turnkey solution to start your own branded blogging community. Useful and usable when used in the context of a school/college set of blogs or for custom webhosting/community solutions such as that of a forum or an ISP. Another niche market served. [EDIT] I must add that after looking at things closely, it looks like a multi-user blogging tool, much like WordPress with a different face. It will take a closer look at the multi-user features to understand if it is different at all.
[Continue Reading...]Blogging and the cost of content: If you are into the business of blogging and like to keep up on blogging research, this is an interesting peice to read. This long(ish) article is succintly written and quite a good read. …”the process of creating blogs that are rich with quality journalism is also a commercial challenge; one that will re-shape the blogosphere as we move out of an initial period of amateur enthusiasm to create a more mature and sustainable medium. While the article tries to look at blogging from a finance and journalistic point of view, the smattering of numbers and charts could be organized better with more flesh and less fodder.
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