
What do you blog for?

July 17th, 2012

Sure, folks blog for many things, but that usually boils down into two main categories, personal reasons or business reasons. We’d love to hear what you blog for and why, and your answers may just appear in a future post.

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  1. I definitely *started* blogging about personal stuff back in 2004 (using WordPress), but have since focused more on business-blogging. I rarely find myself making the time for personal blogging these days.

  2. JohnMcDonald says:

    It’s definitely both. The business potential might increase frequency and effort, but I have to write and get the writing out there. Blogging is such a great alternative to the traditional paper print rat-race, so it just works out perfectly…

  3. Ivandesign says:

    I would like to say that I blog for fun and profit, but to be honest is more a passion than a real source of income.
    I think for some people blogging has become an obsession, for example a friend of mine almost ripped his hair when his wordpress account has been suspended for no apparent reason.

  4. For me, it’s personal. But I did throw up some ads in the hopes that maybe one day it can possibly pay for itself. So far, not at all *L*.

  5. I blog because I enjoy it – pure and simple.

    I’m a true homebody and have been for 18 months since going on disability from my permanent government job. I started blogging and designing WordPress themes to keep me busy and productive.

    I do monetize my blogs in hopes (probably more pipe dreams) that one day they will provide an income in my retirement.

  6. Russell Roberts says:

    My blog is an outgrowth of a news blog I started 3 years ago when I was the news director for Pacific Radio Group (Hawaii Island). Since I retired, I’ve continued the blog as a personal reaction to local news events. The blog analyzes, summarizes, and discusses Big Island of Hawaii news. Reader comments are welcome. I have a small core of dedicated readers…suits me fine. Aloha! Russ Roberts

  7. For me, it is about living the dream. I blog about what I enjoy, horse racing and horse racing games, and I do it on a commercial basis. It hasn’t made me wealthy but it does well enough to allow me to work from home, choose my own hours and be around while the kids grow up.

  8. Peter David says:

    Blogging for me is a fun way to share my thoughts on life issues with my readers. I plan to monetize it soon but for now I just do it as a hobby.

  9. Scott Herder says:

    I started blogging for school assignment and then completely personal. I helped my friends across the country by crudely putting together the steps as simply as possible to help them with their computers and etc… It kind of blossomed from there to where its now growing to about 750 uniques a day. More info on my about page at

  10. Jenny says:

    I blog mostly ’cause I have the urge to share my thoughts & opinions with others be it good or bad. I must be heard or I will never be happy 😛

  11. Cy Ball says:

    My blog is two purposed:
    1. A cancer survivor’s blog. I have a rare cancer called carcinoid tumor.
    2. A place to feature electronic music that I have composed and other interests in music. I started trying to compose when I retired two years ago.

  12. Caroline says:

    I Blog about Business start ups. I love sharing knowledge and encouraging readers to get involved! I love thought based leadership posts and share as many great resources as possible. Am trying to scale it up this year with social media shares and reach 🙂

  13. Matt says:

    A little hard as i am trying to market a website rather than a blog. But I think the majority of people start blogging for the purpose of interest and self satisfaction. However, taking into the amount of time and energy web design and web marketing takes i think the majority of people start to think more like a buisness rather the a hobiest.

  14. Marc says:


    there is not so much blogging here in Germany, or better said, its not so professional like the american blogs. On the one hand its much just for fun and hobby, but already many starting to doing their business by blogging too.



  15. Timo says:

    I agree with Marc, in Germany you don’t have the reader opportunities that you have in english speaking countries. You can do blogging as a business, too, but it’s good advise that it isn’t your only business 😉

  16. I blog because I love doing it… and sharing knowledge to other artists out there. Art is my life, and I love networking and helping out other artists!!

  17. I definitely *started* blogging about personal stuff back in 2004 (using WordPress), but have since focused more on business-blogging. I rarely find myself making the time for personal blogging these days.

  18. Paduka says:

    I like both or maybe combine both. What i like is what i write about, and if help enough for somebody else, they might click my affiliate link.. :p

  19. Meredith says:

    I definitely started for business, but they say blogging is like a sport and the more you do it the better you get at it. I found it was so easy for me to get a point across with a blog, so I began doing it for personal. I like doing it for both. I think you learn more as a blogger overall. You are able to take risks personally and then apply them for business. It’s a good practice.

  20. Karn Salas says:

    I started blogging for my personal blog to show people about my adventure trips. But later on, I started my own business about events and exhibitions. So now I blog for that also…..

  21. Jack says:

    I started blogging for business purposes. I definitely like to write new material and keep readers enjoyed.

  22. Rich says:

    I blog because I enjoy it. I’ve always enjoyed writing, and sharing information, tips and how-to’s with other people who are interested in the same thing is a good thing to do.

  23. YOGESH says:

    I blog for myself means to keep me updated and yes income also coming so you can say a small business also.

  24. Abhishek says:

    To express myself and to share my expertise with the world. I value my visitors more than the money, so i blog primarily for my personal reasons 😉

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