Do you think you’re an expert on WordPress trivia? Then, try your hand at The WordPress Game Show, fresh from WordCamp Detroit 2011.
This handy Jeopardy-inspired game is build entirely on WordPress and is sure to be a crowd pleaser at your local WordPress meetup, or perhaps even the centerpiece to your Thanksgiving celebrations.
That was entertaining
Quite fun! I was amazed to learn I know more about WordPress than I thought. Not MUCH more but more. LOL
I’m glad everyone is enjoying the game! It was a lot of fun performing it live and we really would like to see what others can do with the platform. So yes, we do plan on releasing a theme which will allow for you to create your own questions and such. No time on release, but it is in the works.
WordPress Jeopardy this summer at WordCamp Germany…
So fun, the WordPress Game Show makes me amazing just because I can’t answer any of their question