
The Most Reliable Blogging Services

December 19th, 2010

Pingdom, a popular website monitoring service, performed a two month experiment to find the most reliable blogging services.

From October 15th to December 15th, Pingdom ran a variety of checks every minute from multiple locations around the world on the homepage and four individual blogs from each blogging service.

In the end, came out as #2, just behind Blogger, which should be the expected winner since it’s backed by the entire Google network.




  1. I would’ve thought that WordPress would have come out on top, despite Blogger having the massive empire that is Google behind it. WordPress seems so much more user-friendly and customizable than Blogger ever did.

    Then again, it has been a few months since I used Blogger. But how much could they have changed?

  2. The 0.0, 0.1 and 0.2% downtimes of Blogger, WP and Typepad I’m sure must all be sufficiently close to zero for a single sample period of 2 months.

    I’d guess the WP blogging includes many more sophisticated users pushing the envelope with more, and a wider variety of, plug-ins, even amongst the WP hosted population.

    I was a very satisfied Blogger user for many years before I decided I needed the configurable flexibility and functionality of WP.

    This survey is mainly about hosting right ?

  3. I’ve never tried any of those, always used self-hosted WP
    blogs. One concern I had was that the investment of time wouldn’t
    have produced as good long term benefits for my domain. I can
    understand the low barrier to entry for the other services but it
    still seems like a temporary – till I get my own blog hosted on a
    dedicated server – type solution.

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