
WordPress FAQ: Finding Free WordPress Themes

December 17th, 2010
WordPress, WordPress FAQs



  1. Chip Bennett (63 comments.) says:

    The trunk version of Theme-Check can test *any* installed Theme, not just the *active* Theme. So, it can be used to test a new Theme *before* installation. Checking untrusted Themes for malware *before* activation is *highly* recommended.

    (The trunk version of Theme-Check should get tagged very soon – at or before the release of WordPress 3.1.)

  2. Christopher Anderton says:

    I don’t get it? Why download from ThemeLab? 99% of the themes looks like horrific 2005 blog themes just like the official WordPress Theme Directory.

  3. Flick (20 comments.) says:

    Thanks for this straightforward tutorial. I’ve been looking at new themes for a while and am glad I haven’t installed any recently given the latest developments. Will be sure to test any new themes with the recommended plugins though (in the right order)

  4. Motion Picture Central (1 comments.) says:

    Although, the WordPress Theme Directory is touted as the absolute safest source of WordPress Themes, using the search bar in your search for themes at WordPress Extend can potentially be Very Dangerous. At the end of every page of your search, you are advised to try your search at Google. This causes WordPress to be the number 1 supporter of searching for WordPress Themes at many location which may be unsafe!

    Try: and look at the bottom of each page.

    * Use of the New Tag and Filter Interface seems to be a much safer option for now *

  5. that girl again (41 comments.) says:

    Thank you. This was needed. Telling people they can only download from the limited selection at is simply unrealistic when Google is dangling so many alternatives in front of them, so it’s good to know there are plugins which can help safeguard their blogs.

  6. Darryl (1 comments.) says:

    This is why I tend to create my own themes. I know they are safe then. I’ve read way too many forum threads and blog posts about theme malware.

    Seriously, learn how to write your own. It’s not too late to learn how to do it yourself, and it gets a lot easier with practice.

  7. Brankica (1 comments.) says:

    I didn’t know themes can be so “dangerous”. I am using Atahualpa and I am pretty satisfied with it. If there is something wrong with it, I am sure not aware of it.
    Thanks for the warning, I sure will pay more attention to the safety of my blog.

  8. BlaKKJaKK (1 comments.) says:

    I personally can’t stand the Theme Directory for the simple reason that the theme viewer does a really poor job of demoing the themes. Particular for any that have special features like sliders, etc. When I demo a page I want to see it in a full window and the way it was intended to be used.

    That and there really are not that many good looking themes in the directory. All of the ones that catch my eye are elsewhere.


  1. […] are not free from the dangers of malware, and can
    sometimes be far more dangerous than themes. Unfortunately, the
    plugin directory does not have a volunteer review staff like the
    theme […]

  2. […] we published two FAQs on finding free themes and free plugins, and both contained strong warnings about malware and steps to avoid infection, […]

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