New plugins Tools is a series of shortcodes for adding information from to WordPress sites.
Haiku is an exceptionally simple HTML5-based audio player that inserts a text link to control playback.
ImageMagick Engine improves the quality of re-sized images by replacing standard GD library with ImageMagick.
Ozh’ Tweet Archiver allows you to import and archive your tweets and convert #hashtags into post tags.
Simple URLs is a complete URL management system that allows you create, manage, and track outbound links from your site.
Updated plugins
DukaPress allows you to easily set up a fully featured online shop which can be used to sell digital or physical goods to customers all over the world.
Facebook Like for Tags allows you to connect with your audience for ongoing updates and sharing based on user interest.
Google Scribe allows you to enable Google Scribe on the WordPress comment input box.
OSM displays maps in your WordPress blog using the OpenLayers technology.
WP Super Cache is a static caching plugin for WordPress.
i am currently using WP Super Cache with great result. I have tried the other popular one “W3 Total Cache” too but find it a bit too complex for me.
Would have liked to install ImageMagick but trying to search for it and install from inside the blog’s Plugin’s page fails as the search seems to be unable to locate the plugin???
I can find it from the wordpress site.
Until the plugin directory’s search index has caught up, you’ll have to download it from the directory and manually install it.
Does anyone know of a plugin that sharpens the thumbnail images? That makes a major difference. I am positive that some WP sites use one, but for the love of all that’s holy, I can’t find which plugin it is.