New plugins
List Yo’ Files adds the ability to list files by file name for a given folder with hyperlinks to each file making it downloadable.
Readable Names forces commenters to write their names in the language that your blog uses.
WP-comment-master enhances your comments with AJAX posting and pagination.
WP-WikiBox allows you to get a Wikipedia article summary for a keyword in any language, inline with your posts and pages, with a simple shortcode.
Updated plugins
IE6 Upgrade Option displays a warning message, simply and politely informing the IE6 user that their browser is out of date, and provides links to download newer browsers.
Vimeo Quicktag enables the user to embed a customized Vimeo video into the blog content.
WP-Stats-Dashboard displays your blog’s stats graph plus your blog traffic, social engagement and social influence directly in your dashboard.
Thank you for mentioning my plugin “Readable Names“!