
WordPress Mobile Apps for Android and BlackBerry Updated

August 31st, 2010
WordPress, WordPress News, WordPress Tools

The WordPress mobile apps for Android and BlackBerry have both been updated with some shiny new features, like a new comment notification system and improved VideoPress integration.

There’s no word yet on an update to the iOS mobile app, but the team still has its eyes set on making this one a major bug-fixing release.

These recent updates would not have been possible without your feedback and beta testing skills, so keep doing whatever you can to make each release better than the last!

Do you use any of the WordPress mobile apps?  I use the iOS mobile app and can honestly say that it has certainly simplified my life when it comes to moderating comments and making last-minute post corrections. How about you? Have the WordPress mobile apps added to or detracted from your WordPress blogging experience?




  1. Otto says:

    I’ve never been able to get the iOS app to work for me. It crashes after I put in my blog details, and then it crashes on startup after that.

    • Mark Ghosh says:

      That sucks. I have been using the Android application for some time, on and off. I have grown quite fond of it!

    • James Huff says:

      I had an issue like that with a client’s blog a while back. It wound up being a plugin conflict. Unfortunately, I can’t remember which one.

    • Otto says:

      It may be some specific issue with my setup. Dunno. I’m waiting for the 2.6 beta, to see if it fixes the issue. If not, then I’ll do the plugin triage and see what’s what.

  2. Ryan Maier says:

    I use the WordPress app for Blackberry currently. It has made my life so much easier too. Great post topic. Love this app.

  3. Evil Mammoth says:

    I use the Android app, and it has definitely come in handy while on the move. I trust future releases will make it a bit more robust.

  4. Ron says:

    I was running it happily on my v. 1.6 tablet, but the new version didn’t install for me? Is it just me, or is 1.6 not OK any more?

  5. I’ve used the iphone version of this app, I like it but wish there were more features and controls.

  6. I’ve got the WordPress android app installed but to be honest I can’t see my self ever really using it. It’s no fun doing any sort of editing with a touch-screen keyboard on a 4″ phone, and comments can wait an hour or too for approval until I’m next logged onto my laptop 🙂 It’s a well implemented app and I imagine for some it’ll be a useful tool, but for me, at the moment, it’s not really necessary.

  7. Robb says:

    I have WordPress for BlackBerry installed, and, although I don’t use it to write new posts, it does come in handy when you need to moderate and or reply to comments…

  8. I use both of the apps (iOS + BB), and while I love the improved functionality and features, I often find it makes the act of creating a quick post more time consuming. Call it the tyranny of choice…

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