It’s official, the WordPress application for the iPhone has officially been released. Now you’ll be able to publish to WordPress powered blogs right from your Jesus phone. Here is what you can expect from this free app:
- Support for blogs and self-installed blogs version 2.5.1 and higher
- Embedded Safari for true previews of posts
- Full tag and category support
- Photo support for both camera pictures as well as library photos
- Support for multiple blogs
- Ability to password protect a post, save as a draft, or mark the post for later review
- Auto-recovery. This will recover posts which have been interrupted by phone calls
The app is at version 1.0, is a tiny 0.3MB download, and is compatible with the iPhone as well as the iPod touch. However, this application requires the iPhone 2.0 software update.

Be sure to let us know what your experience is like, browsing and publishing to WordPress from your iPhone.
*NOTE* The link will open Itunes if you have it installed on your machine and will take you directly to where the app is located for download.
Just another reason to buy an iPhone ? 😀
@dinu You got it. Although a pretty expensive blogging device with an expensive data plan. For me, at least.
Sigh, I need to have a US store iTunes account. It is not available in my country iTunes Store (Singapore)
Not good at the moment. Tried it to access my WP 2.6 blog site and received an error message.
Communication Error: Operation could not be completed (NSURLrrorDomain error -1012
for me is only a dream.
Great, great news.
I nedd the same app on my n95 8Go with Symbian please 🙂
Full Review Here
I’ve tried it, and it looks good, not great. Although I can’t post to my blog, because I get the following error:
“Operation could not be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 5.)”
So it’s currently useless for my needs.
actually, I just tried it on my Swedish blog (coded in UTF8) and the characters åäö seem to crash the application when posting. It’s kind of embarrasing if international support hasn’t been tested.
Here’s a bug report. The app crashed numerous times when I was trying to set up my blog. I’d go back and enter the details, making sure to add the http:// prefix. The app would say it couldn’t find the host, and would remove the http://. I’d then try again without the prefix and the app would crash. Repeat a dozen times.
I eventually managed to get it to work by adding a trailing slash to the end of the URL.
Now that it’s set up I’m looking forward to using it, but what a frustrating introduction after what seemed like a very long wait!
Still, I’m sure a vast amount of work has gone into this and I’m very pleased to see the app’s up and (almost) running.
Install and set-up worked fine. But it published an empty post to both the blogs I set-up to test it on which caused some confusion with my readers…
available in the uk store, downloaded and works a treat with wp 2.6.
shame there’s no comment / spam admin support. hopefully something for a future release.
also, is it not possible to edit / review drafts created elsewhere (for example on another iPhone)?
Is there any sort of plugin to scale down the admin panel to be able to easily load it from a non-iphone? Such as one of the enhanced html browser devices verizon wireless has (voyager, dare, glyde). Or even a way to just load the write entry page? I’d love to be able to post entries from my phone, but it’s not very easy.
@Keith Wozniak
“Is there any sort of plugin to scale down the admin panel to be able to easily load it from a non-iphone?”
Yes. Check out the excellent wPhone plugin.
I downloaded, setup my blog, and posted a test entry (which I deleted already). All worked fine & I did not run into any problems. I am using an iPod Touch on a WiFi network. Perhaps some of the problems is using the cell network (just a thought). Also, it would be nice to delete a post within the WordPress App.
Excellent app! It’s extremely useful, but there’s one glitch I’ve discovered:
I can save and edit new posts from the iPhone without any problem, but opening up any post that I published from the desktop causes the WP app to crash. It happens with every post generated from the desktop but never from an iPhone post.
I’m self-hosting WordPress 2.5 – not sure if anyone else is having a problem.
Other than that, this is an outstanding app!
Problems here, too… it finds my blogs but the little wheel just keeps spinning… I’ve posted the issues on the WP iPhone blog and support area but no response…
I keep getting the error 5 too AND I added the trailing slash. V. disappointing. 🙁
Two issues identified:
1) Can not enter blog sites with access control using .htpasswd/.htaccess files. No problem for ecto though.
2) Can not access extended blog text field.
I can’t get the WP iPhone app to work on two of my blogs running 2.6
It works fine on one running WP 2.5
It recognizes the 2.6 blogs but just spins and spins
Anyone else have similar problems? Absolutely no response from WP on this.
Works great for me so far.. just wish there was a way to manage comments!
When I try to set it up, it spins for awhile, then displays “NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 76.” 🙁
It’s been two days since I have tried to post these issues on the WP iPhone blog under problems and contact… my comments are still just moderated and there is no answer.. what a disappointment. Near as I can tell, the iPhone app doesn’t work at all on WP2.6. But there’s absolutely no response from anyone at WP to my repeated pleas for help. And since they won’t publish my post describing the glitch, I can’t even get helpful ideas from the WP community.
Not true. WPforiPhone works on my WP2.6 site. The only problem is, it doesn’t play well with .htaccess/.htpasswd system. Had to deactivate it.
That’s good news that it works with 2.6! Just wish they’d give me some suggestions for getting mine to work. Any word on whether they are working on an update to the iPhone app anytime soon?
I am sure they are and will be updates in due course. Given the speed of app updates in the App Store, we should try to be patient. 😀
@Mike Wendland: chill out! I’m sure they are working on the issues, they’ve posted updates in the faq and known issues… I’ve had some problems too but I don’t think they’re going to reply to every single comment they get…
@ GaMerZ
I managed to register an account via iTunes on the PC. And once you complete an initial sync of the PC + iPhone, you’re good to go. You don’t need a US account for App Store, the restriction only applies to buying music and album via iTunes. I’m from Malaysia by the way.
The App is great…
there is only one thing I miss…
when taking a picture there needs to be an option to have the picture rotate or automatically change to the phones direction
The iphone just gets better and better.