Two Column Themes
Sonette is a two column theme which makes good use of the green color. The sidebar has enough space to add 125 x 125 banners. The date and comments meta information is displayed to the right of the post.
The theme is widget ready.
Demo | Release Page | Download
Gradient Brown Beauty
This is a widget ready two column theme which makes use of a mix of brown colors. There are ample amounts of advertising space and you can easily add 125 x 125 and 300 x 300 banners.
This theme also supports tabbed content in the sidebar. This theme is widget ready.
Demo | Release Page | Download
Hope is a two column WordPress theme which looks quite simple and uses fluid width. The theme uses a mix of pink and brown colors. The header looks good.
Content area and sidebar uses rounded corners. This theme is widget ready.
Demo | Release Page | Download
Futurosity Eos
This theme is built on Sandbox and has a sidebar, meta column, and a main column. The main content area is a bit small.
It is widget ready and use red color for the links.
Demo | Release Page | Download
Keith! Thanks for including the Thumbnails… it saves a lot of time!
Hmm. Futurosity is the only one that even catches a glance from me. I am liking the fact however that most of these themes are coming with 4 or more ad positions.
Same opinion like Jeffro2pt0! Futurosity is the only one that has that appealing design, but nice work for the rest of the guys (girls :P)
I would also like to thank you for including the thumbnails. Definitely a time saver 🙂
Hi—Keith: I like Gradient Brown Beauty.
Good use of brown shades, the ad placeholders blend well, and nice overall layout.
I’ll add to the string of thank yous for including the thumbnails.
I agree that Futurosity Eos’s main content column is a little too narrow – if I decided to use it, I’d probably move the mini-columns to the right side and widen the main news area. I do like the clean look though! I also like the Gradient Brown Beauty – hopefully the author will come up with some different colour schemes! Thanks Mr. KD!
I like the themes, although Futurosity Eos’s main content column is a little too narrow if you ask me, I agree with the others.
Advancetech contains sponsored links. Are sponsored themes allowed in?
Adam: No, sponsored themes are not allowed. I cannot find it in the post, which should mean than Keith has removed it. Sorry for the oversight.
Gradient Brown Beauty is a honey in the bunch. Nice clean work, great ad intergration and nice to see sidebar tabs being used well in a free theme. Good stuff.
Really like the green one..and the thumbnails are a time saver..
Thanks for your kind BlaKKJaKK. I released new Gray, minimalist version of Gradient Brown Beauty and I’m planning to create different color options.