Accordian oads your wordpress site faster than before, it saves huge space, provides tabbed browsing inside your sidebar using jquery and providing ajax functionality.
Advanced Search uses MySQL’s fulltext search as a much more effective search method than the native WordPress search function.
Arkayne displays a list of related articles at the bottom each blog entry.
Big Surprise allows you to place an item on a post or page that only a specific user can see.
WP-Forum Latest Posts lists the latest posts from your WP-Forum.
Zune Card adds a sidebar widget and theme function that allow you to easily embed a Zune Card into your theme.
Accordion does nothing like loading site faster. All it does is hiding a few divs with javascript, hence loading speed is the same + the added javascript.
Yes, I was thinking the same. By the way Hi Ozh! Nice to meet you here
Thank u so much ” Big Surprise
thank u again…
Used it and see it
“Accordian oads your wordpress site faster than before, it saves huge space, provides tabbed browsing inside your sidebar using jquery and providing ajax functionality.”
Oads? Or loads?