
WordPress Theme Releases for 04/11


iTheme is a two column theme with support for WordPress widgets and drag and drop sidebar and a Mac theme.

Sweet Pea is a two column black theme with a good header.

YGo Soo Simple is a three column widget enabled theme with lot of bright colors and backgrounds.

CreamCheese is a two column, widget ready, right sidebar, fixed width theme.

YGo Soothing is a 2 column theme designed to give a website type of look to wordpress blog or something like a “content management system”. (Contains Sponsored Links)

Calm Nature is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

LightBlue is a 2 column w3c validated theme, with a blue, brown and gray color scheme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

Greenway is a new 2-column sleek, sophisticated, neat and clean, green and white, widget ready WordPress theme, with a right sidebar. (Contains Sponsored Links)




  1. I released Salmon today as well.

  2. Amanda says:

    Those are some amazing layouts

  3. These themes are quite nice! Thanks for announcing them.

    Is there a place where all the WordPress “widgetized” themes are listed?

  4. Anghus says:

    I think it’s great that you highlight the sponsored themes.

  5. eyePIXELS says:

    Nice themes. Just one headsup though Ygo Soothing Contains Sponsored Links

  6. Ajay says:

    Thanks eyePixels, have corrected that listing.

  7. Dan Buell says:

    It would be really cool if you had screen shots of the new themes so we could see them instead of having to click through…

  8. Ajay says:

    Dan, to have so many screenshots on each post is not a feasible solution. I will have to cut down on the number of themes listed which is not what I want.

    Also, the authors usually have the screenshots and I usually pick the themes which have the screenshots, theme pages etc. It would amount to double work.

  9. Martin Hipp says:

    I would just like to announce Braille 0.8, it has a new updated look, print stylesheet and more plugin support.

  10. The iTheme is one of the best looking, aesthetically pleasing, and the CSS file is one of the easiest to maintain/modify.

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