Your regular favorite Mark is on vacation for about a week. The task of keeping this blog busy has fallen to me. I will try to maintain Mark’s standards and bring you the best of weblog tools over this period. Everything will continue normally, hopefully.
I used to blog actively at WordLog until academic pressures forced me to take a break from blogging. Regaining lost rhythm is difficult, and that blog hasn’t been updated in months. Other more recent pursuits have taken the upper-hand now.
So what is your strategy for maintaining the perfect blogging rhythm?, do you guys have a “Workflow” for maintaining frequent updates to your professional blogs? I’d love to hear from you. Write a post on your weblog and then pingback this post (just link to this post) so everyone else can also learn about your techniques. Optionally I will try to condense the best practices and post them here, with links to the submissions.
For me, it all begins with a good feed reader. I use Gregarius which is written in PHP, open-sourced, and gives me a default “river-of-news” view (as opposed to readers which organize posts by which blog they originate from). There are a host of plugins for Gregarius which make life simpler too. I use Gregarius to keep up to date, and as a source of inspiration for posts on my other blogs. I try to avoid replicating posts from other blogs on my own, since I believe that in the long run, reblogging is counter-productive, and leads to a depreciation in the quality of the blog. On weekends, I write a few draft posts, or if the posts are complete, I schedule the less time-insensitive ones to appear over a few days. This keeps my blogs alive and ticking. The time I invest in blogging is totally amazing on some days. I do it for the love of the things I blog about, and so I guess it is justified.
So write in dudes/dudettes, and teach me how to keep blogs going in difficult times, when “life” calls.
Here’s a “suggestion” for a featured post?
I think it fit’s Mark’s guidelines 😀
(You can delete this if you like for whatever reason…)
I’ve been using Gregarius for a few months now. I’m a big fan.
I regularly blog less (I mean, it’s happened quite a few times in my 6-year blogging carrear (sp?) that I’ve become slack about updating). Usually, just starting to write again does it.
Last week, I realised that I was not blogging quite a lot of stuff because I had come to think it was “not interesting enough” for CTTS. I trashed that idea, and decided to regain my freedom to blog about useless stuff to.