Silicon Valley Watcher: Can blogging boost IBM’s revenues and reduce layoffs?
She said that Robert Scoble, a leading blogger at competitor Microsoft, recently posted a link on his blog Scobleizer to her site, which boosted her readership
was quoted as said by Catherine Helzerman. Do these people really understand the power of blogging and how blogging evangelism works or are they just amateurish corporate bigots who are appeasing the tech-savvy shareholder? Thanks Hack The Planet
The latter, I think (“just amateurish corporate bigots who are appeasing the tech-savvy shareholder”).
Bunch of bunk. I’m involved with the blogging push at IBM and the initiative has been in place LONG before 1Q05 earnings showed up. The reporter on that story did a 2+2=5; we’re pushing IBMers to blog because we want our experts tied into the community and we want them communicating more – that’s just good business sense. We’ve had internal blogs for a few years, but with all the noise about bloggers being fired from Delta, Starbucks, MS, etc, the company wanted to let its employees know “Hey! It’s OK to blog. Here’s how it works…” To be honest, the news of the layoffs made it harder, not easier, to release the blogging guidelines. It raises questions like “Your employees are blogging instead of boosting profits?” “Who had time to write these?” “What if a disgruntled employee starts blogging?” Those are far more realistic than IBM sending its workforce out to say “don’t worry, be happy about layoffs.”