
Blog Comment Etiquette

August 2nd, 2004
General, Web Design



  1. helen (1 comments.) says:

    what I hate is this “polite request” that says: Your comment will be reviewed prior to posting to minimize comment spam. For how long should I wait? May I hope that my comment is going to appear some day? that’ really irritating!

  2. OF Jay (2 comments.) says:

    I think you’re not talking about a specific blog when it comes to the well-formed, valid, and perfect XHTML in ones’ comments, but I do have one blogger mind. I won’t name names here, but hit me up with an e-mail or something. I just want to see if we thought of the same person.

  3. Sherri (10 comments.) says:

    I just hope that WP never gets one of those comment plugins that obscures a person’s site via a redirect script. I hated those when MT blogs came out with them. I’d often mouseover a person’s name to see if I recognized their site.

    I’ve noticed that a few MT blogs that do that redirect thing have at least fixed it up so that a titled tooltip with the person’s website name shows up. But it seems not many MT’ers know about that, or care.

    I also don’t like auto-expiring comments (meaning after x days/weeks that no more comments are allowed). If someone would like to switch to fully moderated comments after x amount of time, that’s cool though. That’s better than just shutting them down altogether just b/c someone ‘might’ spam them.

  4. mog (4 comments.) says:

    I use WP’s default comment moderation and occasionallly find someone who can’t comment course then sometimes trackbacks don’t show up either, using nightly which is probably not the latest by now. I find also that I have to approve my own comments if I forget and include too many links. It would be nice if it recognized me. Something to fix in a new nightly I guess.

  5. Mark (34 comments.) says:

    I personally use Kitten’s comment moderation rather than moderate every comment.

  6. Aurora (2 comments.) says:

    What do you think about WordPress’s way of doing comment moderation? I have that set up on my site, but I wish I could define a “whitelist” so that people I know and/or who post often could be automatically approved. I feel guilty if I don’t read my email right away to approve their comments.

  7. Craig (19 comments.) says:

    Kitten’s comment tools are the best. They work great and are easy to install. I’m totally happy with them. My favourite one is the redirect to “advertise for a fee” page from here Comments-Pay plugin! A laugh riot!

  8. Podz (12 comments.) says:

    I agree.
    If I had a friend who, whenever I went round to his house, he insisted that before I enter I washed my hands, cleaned my teeth, brushed my hair, hung my jacket up properly and then when I got in told me not to mess the cushions when I sat down, I dare say I wouldn’t visit often.

    Same with commenting.

  9. vicki (1 comments.) says:

    Interesting post. I am new to blogging and added the list of “spam” words to my wordpress options. I think I have made things easy for visitors, but really not sure.

    I am also wondering if there is an article on “comment etiquette” and recently posted about the same thing in my blog. (and lol, hoping that mentioning that isn’t considered a bad thing)


  1. Inside Out says:

    Comment Etiquette Part 1

    Is there comment etiquette and do any of us use it?Since reading tickelbugs post Popularity: A Detriment for the Runner-Ups and Poop-Ons , I’ve been thinking about researching whether there is such a thing as comment etiquette, if so, what

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