Seems a lot of people these days like to debate on the relative value of building a site to a particular standard. Anybody familiar with WordPress will know that its foundation is semantically-correct code, built to XHTML standards and with valid CSS as well.
I’ve been in the middle of a few of those forum threads myself, being somewhat of a standards-evangelist. There are lots and lots of people out there who are FAR more knowledgeable than I about web design and web standards. However, my point is this–if I get it, then why don’t more people get it too?
I will not bore you with platitudes of reasons to build a site to a standard, and by site, I mean from the most simple web log to the most complex portal or e-commerce site. Instead, I invite you to pay a visit to— “Making A Commercial Case for Adopting Web Standards” and get another perspective on things. It will also dispel a few common myths about the adoption of web standards when building your current or next site.
Pay it a visit, and let us know what you think.