
WordPress Theme Releases For 6/12


Two Column Themes



Faleonis is a two column widget-ready theme with inbuilt gravatar support WordPress 2.5 and above. The theme also shows a gravatar of the author at the end of each post.



Syrup is a two-column widget-ready theme which provides users with extensive options panel to control the look and feel of the theme. You can manage custom color schemes, layouts, sidebar positioning, font sizes and more from the admin panel.



DarkClassic is a two column widget-ready theme made up of black color with a green tinge. The theme has built in tag support.



Gymmetry is a two column widget-ready theme. You can customize the blog title and sidebar styles along with the header of the theme. The theme can also be customized to use 4 different colors.

WP Newsmag


WP Newsmag is a two column widget-ready magazine style theme. The theme has slider functions for the bottom bar and featured articles.

Three Column Themes



ComicPress is a theme made specially for blogs that publish comics, the latest edition of this theme has 5 different layouts which you can choose from. The theme also comes built in with its own manager to configure the theme and upload comics.




  1. Sundi says:

    Nice Template Collection .
    Thank You

  2. ChaosKaizer says:


    1. sound promising and user-friendly. no demo

    1. interesting theme, tailor for image-showcase (custom page).
    2. The gallery page is neat.
    3. the theme 10px border-radius doesnt render well, its look pixelated in firefox (2.x) but much smoother in safari, i think reducing the radius px and choosing light colors would fixes that.
    4. i wish the designer could add more base font-family in their css (there is 2 only).

    1. nice screenshoot, no demo

    Dark Classic (Askgraphics)
    1. still used font tag for styling content (so 90′).
    2. I like the pink bullet list on the right sidebar its distracting. (lime green & pink).

    WP Newsmag
    1. not for normal display – its wider than usual.
    2. Its a magazine style theme, yes.
    3. javascript is overkill. There is too many jsframework (13 files ) for just simple animation (prototype, scriptaculous, moo, behaviour) might be plugins issue, not sure.
    4. seem incomplete & confusing IMO.

  3. Jonathan says:

    ComicPress is the first theme I’ve actually enjoyed test-driving!

  4. Leland says:

    @ChaosKaizer: Syrup’s website is actually running the Syrup theme.

  5. Ankan Basu says:

    Both comic press and wp-mag theme looks awesome. I give 5/5 for this post!

  6. Throx says:

    WP Newsmag is nice, thanks

  7. John says:

    Great collection today!

  8. autworld says:

    WP Newsmag and ComicPress are great!

  9. I like the Newsmag, nice themes!

  10. Peter From says:

    ChaosKaizer… Regarding the NewsMag theme: The WP NewsMag is 1100 pixels wide, so unless you´re running 1040 on your computer (like in the stone age) you should have no problems vieweing the theme. As monitors grow bigger, so do themes. All the files are not use for the simple JS action I use on the theme. The scripts are there so that anyone wanting to modify or switch to Moo.FX can do so easily. maybe I should have explained that clearer on the themes homepage.
    It´s not incomplete. On the “confusing” part I can have no opinion. I´ll leave that to the users.

  11. ChaosKaizer says:

    The scripts are there so that anyone wanting to modify or switch to Moo.FX can do so easily

    save the bandwidth & server request, you should try organize the client-script so they wont be runtime conflict. Let the end user decide what they need (user-friendly), these few files will accumulate a large request in the long run. If you need tips check out this blog, view the css & js source, each section has it own client-script (css & javascript) and its only load when it should (compare the js & css file on frontpage & single page (articles) ).

    you can used this wonderful php script by Niels Leenheer (rakaz) to combine css & js in your projects. might get a good rate for yslow benchmark too.

    For the fixed width you should try a client-script to determine the screen resolutions ala deviantART. having correct ‘client’ view port will improve readability and user experiences.

  12. Peter From says:

    Thanx CK… I will consider all your suggestions. Thank you.

  13. Gymenny actually broke my site, which is running the latest wordpress. Now when I try to access any page, I get “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/acp/public_html/wp-content/themes/gymmetry/functions.php on line 1”. Still trying to figure out how to fix this, since I can’t get to my admin page (or any page) to restore the default theme.

  14. ChaosKaizer says:

    @Andrew, if it a theme issue.I think you should try renaming the Gymenny themes folder for temporary (or just remove it completely) WordPress will revert back to kubrick default theme.

    The only error that i can find is Warning: Missing argument 1 for get_avatar(). theme comments.php (on line 30).

    it should be written like so

    if (get_option('show_avatars')){

  15. Hmm… I removed the theme folder, but it didn’t default back to the Kubrick theme. I can’t figure out how to get it back to the default. So, I don’t know, maybe it’s not the Gymenny theme, maybe there is some other problem with the site.

    Anyhow I know this isn’t a support forum, but I wanted to leave a comment so people aren’t discouraged from using the theme if the problem on my site is elsewhere.

    Thanks for your response! If you have any other thoughts, email me?

  16. ChaosKaizer says:

    @Andrew – I’d tested the Gymmetry theme (on WP2.5.x). It doesn’t have any major error that would break your blog, You should consider reinstalling your WordPress as last resort.

    Anyway, people shouldn’t download the Gymmetry theme as there is minor bug with the comment parts and no feedback from the designer yet.

  17. Joe Cole says:

    WP Newsmag is greatest, I like it 😉

  18. Justin Wong says:

    My apologies, the bug in Gymmetry did not come to my attention until today. The new version has addressed it and you can download it now. The demo can be found here.

    Please let me know if there are other issues, much appreciated.

  19. snowalker says:

    I’m experimenting two problems with Losemymind with sidebar 1.0 theme: entry is wrong, apear 2007 instead 2008
    2.tags under the post are not displayed, there is only a gray bar without any tags…

    Can anyone help me?
    I don’t know php…
    Thanks, Vic

  20. Toque says:

    I’m afraid Gymmetry broke my blog too.

    Same error

  21. Toque says:

    I should have added that I am using Version 2.5.1 and when I deleted the Gymmetry theme folder my blog reappeared. I tried it on another installation – a test site – and the same thing happened.

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