Ladies and Gentlemen,
Hot in the heels of Alex’s extremely popular WordPress 1.5 Themes Competition, I would like to announce the start of the WordPress Plugin and Mod Programming Competition.
I would like to make the pot REALLY sweet and promote a LOT of really good development and generate lots of new ideas (stressing on the new). In doing so, I am seeking commercial support from interested parties in exchange for “sponsorship” ads. I am personally going to donate all the earnings/donations from my blogs for the month of April and if enough, will present a Sony PSP to the “Best of Show” (I hope).
The following groups/categories come to mind:
1) Most elegant plugin/mod for WordPress 1.5
2) Most innovative plugin/mod for WordPress 1.5
3) Most outrageous (out of this world) plugin/mod for WordPress 1.5
4) Best code in a plugin/mod for WordPress 1.5
5) Best documentation for a plugin.
6) Best Community Plugin – $500 prize from
Best plugin that ties the WordPress community together. Many
WP bloggers keep in touch by email, RSS, or just visiting each others’ blogs and
commenting etc. It would be cool if there was a WP plugin that
harnessed the cumulative power of all the WordPress blogs out there (and helped
everyone get to know everyone else) determines the winner
of this category.
7) People’s Choice as suggested by NuclearMoose
And last, but not the least,
8) Best of Show
All code has to be GPL and has to be available through the repository. I will start and maintain a blog on the competition and start and maintain a wiki with all the code/information.
Some relevant details:
1) Running time for competition = 2 months starting the 15th of April.
2) Code has to responsible and should not modify/alter the core WordPress database to where it cannot be upgraded easily.
3) Plugins have to be new code as of April 15th. You cannot submit old plugins (already released) as part of this competition.
4) Judges will remain anonymous.
5) Plugin/mod code has to be well documented either in the codex or as a text file attachment. No entries allowed without documentation.
6) Preliminary support for the plugin has to be provided to the public.
7) Any and all prizes/controversies/issues will be judged and decided at my sole discresion.
8) Prizes beside the Sony PSP will be determined later on in the Competition to allow sponsors and well wishers to weigh in on the prizes.
More details to be added with time.
Prize and Competition Sponsorship details:
1) I am welcoming “advertised” sponsors. The main competition Blog will contain ads from interested parties.
2) This is a great opportunity for Blogging based companies to get their name in front of a large number of bloggers.
3) I also welcome personal donations/prize money for the Competition.
4) Use mark at wltc dot net as the email for all contacts
5) All prize money will be publicly accounted for and distributed as part of this Competition.
I will sincerely appreciate any publicity you can provide to this Competition and I urge advertisers to participate. Remember, with community development incentive, the winner is always you, the blogger.
Stay tuned for the address of the Compeition Blog and the wiki.
[EDIT] PluginWiki anyone? This is the official WordPress Plugin Competition Repository of information and documentation. Please be considerate, this wiki will be actively monitored.
Here is the link to the WordPress Plugin and Mod Competition Blog
Great idea. Thanks for running this competition. I posted about it, and tried, unsuccessfully, to trackback. That the trackback failed is almost certainly due to me and to my theme-in-progress. But please do visit, even though I’m still doing construction on the site. Thanks again!
Just a note that we’re asking plugin authors to use the wp-plugins wiki now, not the Codex one. Embedded readme.txt documentation in the new format should get extra points though. 🙂
How about a “People’s Choice” category too? 🙂
Kudos for putting this together, Mark! It’s going to be a blast!
A “best image gallery plugin” category could be really beneficial.
I’ve been working on a cool mod, but it requires fixes that I hope are part of 1.5.1. Anybody know when that will be released? Can a mod require a bug-fix be installed?
Heh I was thinking about something similar for MT a few weeks ago but considering 6A did a plugin contest of their own and gave off a G5 I dropped the idea…
Good luck to all those who enter 🙂
I’m really itching to see the plugins from this. Have you got anything setup yet, Mark? 🙂
This sounds like an awsome idea. Really will motivate people to come up with new, original plugins. Thanks Mark.
Just in case would-be WordPress developers were feeling empty since the completion of Alex King
Thanks for such a great list of plugins, this list are so helpful for the new guy.