WordPress 2.1 Hidden Editor Buttons An Easter Egg was found by Chris in WordPress 2.1. Just hit alt-shift-v (Firefox) or alt-v (IE) to toggle the advanced editor features/buttons in the TinyMCE WYSIWYG interface. alt-v, instead of alt-shift-v works on my Firefox. Via Reviewsaurus.com
Also found via Digg: You can also use alt-shift-n to automatically spell check your post.
Alt-Shift-V works on my Firefox (Windows XP). Ahh, I like the advance interface. 🙂
ctrl-V works on Firefox with Mac OS X. Having the button to paste from Word is worth it all by itself. Thanks!
How difficult would it be to add this hotkey combination to the top toolbar as a button?
It works perfect in Firefox on Ubuntu (Linux)
I like that as well. Works fine with my firefox
Cool! Thanks!
I must be retarded. I’m using Firefox and OSX 10.4 and I can’t get this to work no matter what combination of keys I press.
I’m using the Advanced WYSIWYG Editor and this keyboard shortcut doesn’t work. When that plugin-in is disabled the shortcut works fine. Just a heads up for anyone having issues.
Why in gods name would this be hidden?
Niiice! Thanks for sharing I always wondered how I could activate those buttons (I did see them in tinymce config files)…also if you’re interested in adding your own this useful package helped me quite a bit: http://www.deliciousdays.com/tinymcebuttons/
Into Opera 9.2 its not working….
Now if there is a shortcut to jump to coded view I’d be in love. Alt+shift+V is the combo since alt+V is the view menu 😉
Using a Mac and Firefox ctrl+shift+v does the same thing. Very useful tip.
Is there a hidden button to make the ‘insert image’ button actually work?
Sorry for the sarcasm, but it’s doing my head in, the RTE editor used to work, now it doesn’t & nobody knows why… 🙁 I just get the blank box that won’t go away.
Thanks! Very neat!
nice – I’ll have to sticky that somewhere so I can remember
Does anyone know if it is possible to make the code view the default view? So that I can toggle to the visual only when I want it. The reason I want this is that the visual editor messes with the code of embedded Flash, Youtube etc. So if I have a Youtube video in a post and want to add a tag or whatever, I have to switch to code and re-copy the embed code from Youtube, arrgh!
Chris you should clear your browser’s cache first.
Anybody got this to work in Safari?
Firefox is buggy to hell on my Intel Mac!
I’ve tried Camino but it doesn’t display my wordpress site correctly! arrrghhh!
Thanks tct, I’ve done that, and every other fix mentioned on the WP forums, nothing works. I just have to use IE for inserting images & links…
Weirdly though, 2 other blogs on the same server are fine in FF, it’s just this one
Win/Opera users should use Shift+Esc+V. For any other browser, I think they should just look for their browser-specific accesskey command buttons and use it as [browser accesskey command]+V. 🙂
Speaking of the text editor… Is it just me, or does the spell checker actually not work at all? I’ve installed a plug-in for Firefox to do this, since the WordPress one always tells me there are no errors, even when I know that there are…?
Thanks Dave for the Control + V tip! That works great for me.
To set the advanced options automatically, read over:
and then to get those tinymce buttons… For a full set, consider:
For the complete list see:
You’ll have to synthesize these sites to get what exactly the advanced theme buttons, or you can just add the ones you want. For now, I leave that exercise to the student… or check my site for complete instructions.