
WordPress Theme Releases for 1/13

All Orange is a universal, stylish orange theme for WordPress. Quik is a clean, SEO friendly, and quick loading regular and community blog WordPress theme. Snow Summit is a flexible theme with 7 available color schemes.

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WordPress For iOS 2.6.4 Released

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January 12th, 2011

Isaac Keyet has announced on the WordPress For iOS blog that version 2.6.4 has hit the app store. This version of the app has gone through careful screening especially within the Media Uploader and Post Write/Edit areas. One of the more annoying bugs has been fixed where line breaks would inconsistently be inserted into the code while some line breaks would be removed when editing posts. As for the media uploader, users should now be able to handle multiple file uploads without the app crashing. While a number of other bugs have been squashed, the team is already working on the 2.6.5 update. On the agenda for 2.6.5 is: Priority #1 is always to fix the issues you are reporting, so go ahead and download 2.6.4 and tell us your thoughts! The rare duplication of content bug (some of you have reported that new posts sometimes inherits details from previous […]

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January 12th, 2011

The talented team behind the WordPress for iOS app has released “the most stable release of WordPress for iOS in a long time.” This version cures numerous bugs and has been tested especially carefully in two areas: Media Uploader and Post Write/Edit. The team is already hard at work on 2.6.5, so don’t be a stranger to the support forums if you find any problems. Do you use the WordPress for iOS mobile app? Do you think this release was an improvement over the last?

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January 11th, 2011

In a typical WordPress installation http://yoursite.com/wp-login.php is used to log in to the back-end of the site with the addition of a sub-domain if it’s in use. Personally, I have this link bookmarked so I don’t have to type it in all the time but Chris Coyier of Digging Into WordPress.com has shared a tip to make the log-in URL a bit more pretty. It’s a simple rule added to your .htaccess file. With Chris’s tip applied, the log-in URL will look like http://yoursite.com/login which is much easier to remember than wp-login.php.

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The anatomy of a WordPress theme

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The anatomy of a WordPress theme: Joost de Valk from Yoast has posted a fantastic infographic (a very tall and descriptive image) of all the details on how a WordPress theme works. Very interesting for new theme developers, and a good frame of reference for WordPress DIYers looking to find a quick solution to a theme issue.

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WordPress Plugin Releases for 1/11

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January 11th, 2011

New plugins Attachment File Icons displays file type icons adjacent to files uploaded to pages/posts. Updated plugins All in One Webmaster has options to add Google, Bing, Alexa, Blog Catalog, Yahoo’s Webmaster and Analytics code (meta tags). Facebook Members enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website. Polaroid Gallery is used to overlay images as polaroid pictures on the current page or post and uses your WordPress Media Library. Twitter Goodies shows your twitter profile/search tweets under your Sidebar Area (Widget), Post and/or Pages. WP Missed Schedule allows you to fix missed schedule posts. WP Overview (lite) shows an overview and memory usage on the WordPress Dashboard. WP Super Cache is a static caching plugin for WordPress. It generates html files that are served directly by Apache without processing comparatively heavy PHP scripts.

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January 10th, 2011

Recentently, we published two FAQs on finding free themes and free plugins, and both contained strong warnings about malware and steps to avoid infection, but what if your WordPress blog is already infected? The first thing to do is to confirm the existence of a malware infection by running the Exploit Scanner plugin. Once you have confirmed the existence of malware, refer to this handy Codex guide. Why simply link to the guide? Because this handy guide is updated by WordPress’ volunteer community to present the latest tips and tricks to clearing the latest malware infections from your blog. Of course, the best way to prevent a malware disaster is to regularly backup your database and files, but WordPress’ volunteer community has also compiled a list of recommended security measures. This is the fourth entry in our hopefully long-running WordPress FAQ series. What did you think, and what questions would […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 1/9

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Basico Dark is a really clean and modern WordPress theme that comes with some of the latest WP 3.0 features such as custom backgrounds, threaded comments, featured images and drag and drop menus. min is a super clean and minimal theme with two widget areas in the footer. Pilcrow makes personalizing your blog a snap with six different layouts, multiple sidebar configurations, four default color schemes, custom header images, and a customizable background.

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January 8th, 2011

Have you ever wondered how WordPress handles the automated core, plugin, and theme upgrades? Well, it’s time for some quick weekend education! Long-time support forum volunteer, Ipstenu, has done all the thinking for you and has clearly laid out the inner-workings of the automated upgrade process. It’s a quick read, and you might leave with a new respect for the automated upgrade system, and a new understand for why you should create a child theme if you want to modify your own theme.

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