Posts Tagged ‘WordPress Templates WordPress Skins WordPress Themes’

WordPress Theme Releases for 10/8


72 Class is a 2-column, black-and-white, minimal theme. Ali Nazik is a 2-column, black-and-white theme. Dream in Infrared is a gorgeous theme with an elegant layout and support for WordPress 2.3 tags. WP-Glory is a 3-column, widget-ready theme with tag support, drop-down menus for sub-pages, and other features. Not a free theme. Inner Light is a 2-column, widget-ready theme with violet and white colors and tag support. Edited for NSFW content. Missille is a 2-column theme with a custom logo. Newspaperize is a 3-column, widget-ready theme designed for news blogs and sites. Nextgen is a 2-column, simple theme with soft, rounded corners. Also check out Flowery by the same designer. Reverence is a 2-column theme with dark, rich colors.

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WordPress Magazine Themes


The Best WordPress Magazine Themes Available: Ryan puts together a list of ten magazine style WordPress themes and details the positives and negatives of each of these themes for this list. I am not sure if “The Best” is an appropriate title for the post but I like each and every theme that he points to. Some of the themes listed such as Brian Gardner’s Revolution are paid themes but Revolution is visually excellent and the popularity of the theme and the fact that he is successfully charging for it are both attestations to this model of theme publication. Definitely a post to check out if you are into smooth, clear and versatile themes that can pack a lot of good information into small screen spaces. While you are at it, check out Charity’s “Creating a Magazine Style Theme by Example“.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 10/4


PElegant is a 3-column theme with a basket weave background. Ranting Pink is a 2-column theme designed for Pink for October. Trevilian Way is a very sharp-looking theme with a magazine-style layout.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 10/2


Crystal is a 2-column, widget-ready, black theme with support for WordPress 2.3 tags. Effercio Blue is a 2-column blue theme that’s WordPress 2.3-ready and supports inline asides. Eighteen is a single-column theme designed with Mac users in mind. Hexed is a 2-column, widget-ready theme with black colors and WordPress 2.3 tagging support. October Pink, SimplyPink, and Wishlist are three more Pink for October themes with various layouts and designs. Pink Adaptations is a 2-column theme designed for Pink for October. YUI-Mainstream is a 2-column Pink for October theme.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 9/28


Autumn is a 2-column theme with a very seasonal look. Enlighten is a 2-column theme with customizable header image that comes in AJAX and non-AJAX flavors. GenkiTheme is a 2- or 3-column, widget-ready theme. Pinkbird is the 3-column Bluebird theme modified for Pink for October. SEO Streamliner is an SEO-ready theme. Tumble Hybrid is another tumblelog theme built on Sandbox.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 9/24


Facebooked is a 3-column, widget-ready theme based on the social networking site. Loopy Red is a 3-column, red theme. Love is a 2-column, widget-ready theme that pays homage to WordPress. Pigments is a 2-column, blue-and-green theme. Pink for October is a 2-column theme with pink, black and white colors created for breast cancer awareness month in October. Ranting Daily is a 2-column, widget-ready theme. Saur is a 3-column, widget-ready theme that features a random image, big search bar, and comment counter. T1 is a nice-looking Tumblelog theme with styling classes for several different types of entry.

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WP Theme Generator gets 2.3


WordPress Theme Generator: This latest update comes with 2.3 support and support for Tags as clouds and under each article as article tags. The code generated is now XHTML compliant and there are more colors to choose from. Via Email.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 9/17


Blue Sky is a 3-column, widget-ready theme available in both AJAX and non-AJAX versions. The Morning After is a 3-column, widget-ready theme with a magazine-style layout. Sixtyfour is a single-column theme for WordPress with a Tumblr-like layout.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 9/15


Clouded is a 3-column, widget-ready theme with a sleek, minimalistic feel. Finishline is a 2-column, widget-ready theme with a sports car theme. NoWayOut is a 3-column, fixed-width theme that shows the four latest posts assigned by categories on the front page. Pony is a 2-column theme with a light and simple layout. Remo is a 2-column theme with artistic header and support for recent comments, related posts, lightbox clone, breadcrumb navigation, and Ultimate Tag Warrior. Resurrection is a 3-column theme with choice of background images and support for Ultimate Tag Warrior, Page Navi, and Twitter-tool. SilverySnow is a 3-column, widget-ready theme with a snowy winter scene. Wow Lich King is a 3-column, widget-ready theme with a World of Warcraft theme.

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