New plugins Admin Bar Disabler allow you to disable the WP Admin Bar in 3.1+ entirely, or only for roles and capabilities which aren’t in the ‘whitelist’ or ‘blacklist’. Admin Bar Minimizer allows you to minimize/maximize the new WordPress 3.1 admin bar at the click of a button jQuery Drill Down iPod Menu Widget allows you to create a drill down ipod style menu from any WordPress custom menu using jQuery. jQuery Drop Down Mega Menu Widget allows you to quickly and easily create drop down mega menus from any WordPress custom menu. SDAC Author Search gives logged in authors the ability to do a normal site search or the ability to search their content only. Unwanted Plugins Remover allows you to remove unwanted plugins on a WordPress core upgrade process. Updated plugins Crony Cronjob Manager allows you to create and manage cronjobs in WP by running scripts, functions, and/or […]
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