Posts Tagged ‘plugings’

WP-Forum Plugin Security Bulletin

January 21st, 2008
WordPress Plugins, WordPress Security

If you are currently using the latest release of the WP-Forum plugin, listen up. The websec security team has discovered a vulnerability within this plugin that can be exploited by malicious users to conduct SQL injection attacks. According to Secunia: Input passed to the “user” parameter in the WordPress installation’s index.php script (when “forumaction” is set to “showprofile” and “page_id” to a page with the “<!–WPFORUM–>” tag) is not properly sanitised before being used in SQL queries. This can be exploited to manipulate SQL queries by injecting arbitrary SQL code. This vulnerability when exploited successfully allows the individual to retrieve usernames, password hashes, and email addresses for all users, including administrators. However, the user has to have knowledge of the proper database table prefix. This vulnerability has been confirmed in version 1.7.4 which is currently the most recent version available for download. Description: WP-Forum is a WordPress plugin that enables […]

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