Posts Tagged ‘malware’

WordPress FAQ: Dealing with Malware

January 10th, 2011
WordPress, WordPress FAQs

Recentently, we published two FAQs on finding free themes and free plugins, and both contained strong warnings about malware and steps to avoid infection, but what if your WordPress blog is already infected? The first thing to do is to confirm the existence of a malware infection by running the Exploit Scanner plugin. Once you have confirmed the existence of malware, refer to this handy Codex guide. Why simply link to the guide? Because this handy guide is updated by WordPress’ volunteer community to present the latest tips and tricks to clearing the latest malware infections from your blog. Of course, the best way to prevent a malware disaster is to regularly backup your database and files, but WordPress’ volunteer community has also compiled a list of recommended security measures. This is the fourth entry in our hopefully long-running WordPress FAQ series. What did you think, and what questions would […]

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WordPress As Riskiest Web Software In 2010

January 4th, 2011
WordPress Discussions

Trend Micro which is an anti-virus company announced their most dangerous list for 2010. Just about everything mentioned in the list has a strong correlation with market share and size which tends to make them more dangerous. This is especially apparent when Trend Micro lists Google as the most dangerous website thanks to its popularity for blackhat-SEO schemes which lead to malware infected sites. However, as for Website Software, Trend Micro labeled WordPress as the riskiest web software used in 2010: The riskiest software used by websites in 2010 was the popular blogging platform WordPress. Tens of thousands of un-patched WordPress blogs were used by cybercriminals for various schemes, primarily as part of redirection chains that led to various malware attacks or other blackhat search engine optimization (SEO)-related schemes. I beg to differ. While WordPress certainly made the headlines this year as webhost after webhost became the target of attacks, […]

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Theme Malware Anatomy


One of the biggest problems facing users of WordPress today especially when it comes to themes is malware. I’ve seen my fair share of websites using themes whose functions.php file contains base64 encrypted code that when decrypted, shows spam links. However, there also a number of themes that have code within them that installs malware onto the web server. After Chip Bennett, one of the Theme Team Reviewers noticed at least one of his themes were being made available on a website that claimed to have free WordPress themes, he discovered that something was not right. All of the themes available on the website contained some sort of malware that would be installed onto the users site once enabled. Otto does a great job going in-depth and explaining exactly how this particular piece of theme malware works. Most of the explanation is over my head but it gives you a […]

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