Posts Tagged ‘imageuploader’

Take Crontrol Of WordPress


Not too long ago, a new plugin was released called WP-Crontrol. WP-Crontrol allows you to take control over what is happening in the WP-Cron system. WP-Cron is a tangle of black magic that allows a plugin developer or a user to schedule commands to be executed. WP-Crontrol is a plugin that lets a blog owner see through that magic and figure out what’s actually going on If you want a detailed introduction to this plugin as well as an explanation as to how to use this plugin in conjunction with WP Database Backup to create backups when you want them, be sure to check out this article: Add a new WordPress backup schedule with WP-Crontrol Also on the radar today is a quick fix for the WordPress 2.5.x image uploader. is reporting that there is a no-flash plugin that is available which returns the previous image upload function from […]

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