Posts Tagged ‘gravatars’

Gravatar Encouragement

October 19th, 2009
WordPress Plugins

Back in August, I asked the following question: Why Is Gravatar Still Not Mainstream?. You folks supplied a wealth of answers to the question but many of the answers suggested something along the lines of making it easier to obtain a Gravatar through registration if they didn’t have one. While I’ve yet to see news on such an integration, there is a plugin that has been developed by Milan Dinic called Gravatar Signup Encouragement which enables you to encourage Gravatar registration to anyone who is not a registered member on your WordPress powered site. Message can be shown to: unregistered commenters when they leave text input field for e-mail address registered commenters to whom their registered e-mail address is checked registered users on their profile page, to whom their registered e-mail address is checked users who fill registration form when they leave text input field for e-mail address You can […]

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