Posts Tagged ‘anti-spam’

Less Spam Since Jetpack Comments

October 15th, 2012
Spam, WordPress, WordPress Plugins

A week ago, we made a few minor changes here, most notably a switch to Jetpack Comments. Since then, spam has dropped dramatically. Prior to the change, we received an average of 10,000 spam comments a day. After Jetpack Comments, we have received a grand total of 429 spam comments for the entire week. So, that’s a drop from an average of 10,000 per day to an average of 61 per day, 9,939 less spam comments per day. Jetpack Comments makes use of javascript and iframes, which are both a bit too complicated for most spam bots, and that does line up with the almost complete lack of obvious bot-generated spam in our spam queue. Besides the comforting bot-breaking ability of Jetpack Comments, I have a feeling that our change from a basic form element comment form to the comment_form tag finally enabled our other anti-spam plugins to work properly. […]

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New Anti-Spam Strategy

August 30th, 2011
Spam, WordPress

If you’re a WordPress user, you probably noticed an option at Settings -> Discussion, which states “Before a comment appears, comment author must have a previously approved comment.” This was pretty much the bulk of our anti-spam measures here, and while not a single bit of spam made it through, the sheer volume of pending comments (almost all spam) were driving us nuts. A few days ago, we shifted gears with tremendous results, and I though you folks might be interested. We decided to do away with the above setting and rely entirely on Akismet, Cookies for Comments, and the built-in moderation list and blacklist at Settings -> Discussion for any that snuck through. Prior to this change, we had an average of 5 pending comments each hour, and an average of 4.8 of those were spam. Now, we don’t have to monitor pending comments, and we only see an […]

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