geek ramblings >> Spammer Tar Pit: I like to call this the “PissOff” plugin. Dougal and I were discussing this yesterday while our respective weblogs were getting flooded with comments and he has come up with a really nice solution. This one stops flood spammers in their tracks. This plugin, used in conjunction with Kitten’s Spam Words will not only keep Spam from showing up on your blog, but will also prevent spam from even showing up on your moderation list. Basically, Dougal’s plugin uses a powerful regex (regular expressions) to check the referer IPs of people accessing your blog. The list he uses is derived from your own blog by matching the IP format against the list of moderation keys that have been added to your blog. If anyone from the moderated IPs tries to access anything, they are bogged down for a minute and then send the “Access […]
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