Raymond Camden’s Blog: Cold Fusion Blogging? Since a lot of my present work is in CF 6.1, I might look into helping Camden out a little (if he is interested in my help, of course)
[Continue Reading...]Raymond Camden’s Blog: Cold Fusion Blogging? Since a lot of my present work is in CF 6.1, I might look into helping Camden out a little (if he is interested in my help, of course)
[Continue Reading...]MooseCandy is a little plugin to help you stick content into your WordPress layout, just before a post. You can read more about it above and read the comments in the code for usage instructions. Have fun 🙂
[Continue Reading...]UPDATE TO THE LATEST VERSION NOW!!! Sorry to say, I made a bit mistake and I suggest everyone upgrade to the latest version of the LJ plugins. You can download the whoe set here otherwise look in your plugins admin interface to see the url for the individual packages. After upgrading, delete ljsynch.config.inc. Again, very sorry, it should be fixed with the new versions.
[Continue Reading...]I have released an updated version of the LiveJournal Plugin pack which you can read about here Highlights include better multiple user support, userpic support, posting to groups and the ability to post to LJ so that only certain LJers can see the post.
[Continue Reading...]MacDevCenter.com: Aggregator reviews for MacOS X
[Continue Reading...]Pictorialis II is finally polished enough to be ready for download. The example blog can be found here: http://mindfulmusings.net/testpict Some of the features of Pictorialis II: -Album building from the post interface -Single photo addition, much like a photoblog -Upload from FTP, point to the album, suggest an album name and description, type of thumbnail and click on publish album -EXIF support even without PHP-EXIF -GD and NetPBM support with optional NetPBM binaries -XHTML compliant code -Lots of custom fields for versatility and future features -Picture preview on edit -Picture Descriptions -Everything is paged -Look Ma, no tables! -Count number of visits per picture (optional) -Comments, trackbacks etc -Clean simple design and CSS -All of WP is included, so all the WP features are available! Credits: -Photomatt -Unteins -Morydd -Jesuit -Skippy_ -NuclearMoose -Michel_v Download the zip file from here: http://weblogtoolscollection.com/b2-img/pictorialisII.zip Please post bugs and requests on the Pictorialis Support Forums […]
[Continue Reading...]Pictorialis II is finally ready for a demo and maybe some beta testers. Some of the features of this version includes: -Album building from the post interface -Upload from FTP, point to the album, suggest an album name and description, type of thumbnail and click on publish album -EXIF support without PHP-EXIF -GD and NetPBM support with included binaries -Addition of photos to existing galleries -XHTML -Lots of custom fields for versatility -Picture preview on edit -Picture Descriptions -Everything is paged -Look Ma, no tables! -Count number of visits per picture -Comments, trackbacks etc -All of WP is included, so all the WP features are available! Check out the demo at http://mindfulmusings.net/testpict/ Release version is available now: http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2004/06/14/pictorialis-ii-ready-for-download/ If you would like to look at the admin, please leave a comment with an email addy or email me at markghosh at gmail dot com Credits: -Photomatt for half the name […]
[Continue Reading...]WordPress RSS Import : Discussed many times, executed very succintly this time!
[Continue Reading...]Post2Mail – This plugin allows you to automatically e-mail selected people when a post is published on your blog. Also useful for alerting an administrator when a post has been published on the blog. Configuration is done in the post2mail.config.inc file which has comments to get you started. You can go direct to the download here
[Continue Reading...]Obviously Powered by WordPress. © 2003-2013