WP Plugin: Thickbox Lightbox plugin for WordPress. Examples.
[Continue Reading...]WP Plugin: Thickbox Lightbox plugin for WordPress. Examples.
[Continue Reading...]Blogging dummies: Retool Needed The Early Adopters are leaving the building Nothing intelligent to be said here beside some big name bloggers are feeling not as useful as they used to and feel the need to retool or re-invent themselves.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Simplr A minimalist, one column theme for WordPress with widgets support. I like the simple colors and the theme looks like a simpler version of Hemingway.
[Continue Reading...]Top Ten Reasons To Give Up Blogging: Somewhat funny but does not apply to the everyday (read: average) blogger like you and me. This post really should have been titled “Top Ten Reasons for a A/B-Lister to Give Up Blogging”. Most of those reasons are true for a large subset of the blogging population.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme Update: Regulus Regulus has been updated for widgets support and various other fixes. Regulus is a two column, polished and colorful theme for WordPress (2.x)
[Continue Reading...]I have updated my Inbusiness wordpress theme to support widgets and added a couple of more features. Make sure to check it out here
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