WP plugin: Title Grabber Add the title attribute to your links.
[Continue Reading...]WP plugin: Title Grabber Add the title attribute to your links.
[Continue Reading...]Blogging Tip: Feature your best entries Guide your readers to find your best old posts in your navigation bar. I use “Most Popular Posts” on this blog and the author provides some very good examples and ideas on how to levearge your old/best posts.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Sky3c and WP theme: Anthosia3c are two new themes released. Both are three column WordPress theme having a cool large image header . Both the themes support widgets.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Double Header Three column WordPress theme that really caught my eye. Blocky, well organized, bright, easy to read, well organized theme (EDIT: did I just say that twice?) for WordPress. This theme should make a great starting point for other themes.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Sca4ered Dark, two column, eye catching theme for WordPress. I could not find a good demo but the small screenshot looks really nice.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Ilovecolours Colorful, blocky, two column theme for WordPress.
[Continue Reading...]WP plugin: WhoLinked Display sites linking to your blog with this plugin. Reminds me of referrers.net and also reminds me of the spam pains that they went through and finally imploded into an unusable service. I wonder what kinds of referer spam protections they have in place at wholinked.com? They also have code/plugins for Blogger, Typepad, MT and generic blogs and websites.
[Continue Reading...]Online SEO Analyzer with some stress on semantics, organization etc.
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