PHP Filters : mmmm….security! Definitely worth a look-see for PHP programmers. OWASP comes highly recommended.
[Continue Reading...]PHP Filters : mmmm….security! Definitely worth a look-see for PHP programmers. OWASP comes highly recommended.
[Continue Reading...]Google Maps API Free as in beer. Beta.
[Continue Reading...]MIT Weblog Survey A bunch of places have reported filling it out and some good might actually come out of it.
[Continue Reading...] – phpBB 2.0.16 released Critical Bugfix(es). Here we go again. 🙂 Thanks Lambcutlet
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Dusk Polished, dark, mysterious and slightly oriental. Well made.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Urban Giraffe It’s a fluid-width theme that tries to break away from Kubrick.
[Continue Reading...]WP Plugin: Relative Dates Displays the date of your posts as the time elapsed since it was posted. This would be even more cool if it could interact with each user’s client, store a cookie and provide a “new post(s)” notification for each visit. Reminiscent of Alex King’s older “since last visit” plugin.
[Continue Reading...]WP Themers: 1.5 theme cheat-sheet A step by step, line by line of code on how to recreate a theme or build it from scratch. Also, consider reading Jesuit’s Secrets of WP Theming.
[Continue Reading...]Location Aware Blog tool wins innovation prize The winning software, called OneReach, draws on the current interest in blogging. The tool gives travellers access to blogs specific to the area they are in so they can find useful information and tips. It also creates a map which allows family and friends to follow their exact progress while they are away from home. The tool relies on GPS (Global Positioning System) and requires a smartphone. Thanks TheWebMarketingBlog
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