‘General’ Category

Post from WordPress 1.2 Mingus to Feeddemon from Bradsoft

July 4th, 2004
General, WordPress Hack

Due to popular request, here is a hack to post directly from FeedDemonto WordPress 1.2 Mingus. For this you would have to be logged into your blog admin portion (a previous login with the cookie set will do just fine). Here is the hack. Some of the new features of this hack include: Post to a category like news or links Choose a WordPress user in your Feeddemon setup Choose post and comment status for your posts Use proper attribution for your linkage For those of you that are not aware, Feeddemon is a popular news reader for the Windows platform and nloaded for a trial period. This hack enables you to choose a news item from your list inside Feeddemon and either through shortcut keys or through a menu choice, post the news item directly to your blog with the proper linkage without any needed intervention. This is a […]

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WordPress: New Guides

July 3rd, 2004
General, WordPress Hack

I’ve put together 2 quick pages that cover: – Creating new Quicktags in the post area to save having to type out those tags that you may use very often but are not in the default install. – Replacing your WP login password with a new one using phpMyAdmin. Both have screenshots. They can be found, along with the WP CSS and FTP guides at http://www.mfr.f2s.com

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Added a wiki

July 3rd, 2004

I added a development wiki to the sidebar. It will be used for my own thought collection purposes and wiki editing is authenticated by WordPress. All authors in this blog have access to wiki editing. Check there for to-do lists, requests, ideas etc. Thanks to photomatt for the idea. This will be released soon as an add-on for WordPress 1.2 Mingus.

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Pictorialis encoding issue: Fixed!

July 3rd, 2004

There were some issues with text encoding with Pictorialis, expecially with accented characters. This issue has been resolved. Find the wp-includes folder inside your pictorialis folder and the functions-formatting.php file inside that folder. Rename that file and replace it with the one downloaded from here: http://weblogtoolscollection.com/b2-img/functions-formatting.phps Thats all.

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Password authenticated pastebin for files

June 30th, 2004

If you have ever used PHP-pastebin from http://paste.uni.cc you know what I am talking about. What I am looking for is a pastebin for files of varying types. Here are some of the basic requirements that I am thinking of: Must be able to upload files of any type Ability to upload multiple files at one time, user controlled number of files Ability to password protect files or a collection of files Radius authentication (?) Ability to determine the type of media uploaded to display appropriately (Maybe) create folders inside a single upload entity to organize things better Ability to “expire” files at a preset time Basically, I am looking for a much simplified Concurrent Versions System that would allow Radius Authentication for users at the upload end and password authentication at the download end. The authentication system does not have to be very sohpisticated at all if I can […]

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Sorry for the disruption

June 29th, 2004

I apologize for the recent disruption in services of this blog. The problem, as was disavowed by my service provider (that is a post and a rant for another day), was a screwed up MySql installation that made the tables inaccessible to some of my webpages. After being insulted multiple times by their tech support, with them accusing me of being a bad programmer with code that “I had no clue about and would need to debug” in spite of nothing having changed code wise since it was working, I have decided to start-a-looking. While I am doing some research on my own, I am looking for suggestions from my readers on dedicated server solutions (only). My target solution is the $49 1&1 server but I would like to get the setup charges reduced. I am willing to barter with advertising on all my blogs. So if you are a […]

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Overlapping efforts in WordPress development

June 24th, 2004

This has been a recent trend in WordPress (fringe, casual) development which I think should come to peoples’ attention. Ever since the start of the MT fiasco (and now the TechTV::G4 publicity), there has been a very large amount of interest in WordPress and consequently in the development of hacks and plugins for WordPress. This increase of interest and manpower is more than welcome but an unwanted side effect of this has been the problem of overlapping code and ideas. There are a couple of very potent examples I can think of. The comment registration/email comment authors idea, followed by the trackback/comment seperation plugins and many others come to mind. These are all great additions and are slightly different in their own ways. I believe that this energy could be used in better ways. The suggestions here are my personal opinion and do not represent the WordPress dev team or […]

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MooseCandy 1.2.0


MooseCandy is a little plugin to help you stick content into your WordPress layout, just before a post. You can read more about it above and read the comments in the code for usage instructions. Have fun 🙂

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Lame Internet Explorer script error message

June 22nd, 2004

This is something new (to me). The script generating this error comes from the SprintPCS servers. <!– — Unfortunately, Microsoft has added a clever new — “feature” to Internet Explorer. If the text in — an error’s message is “too small”, specifically — less than 512 bytes, Internet Explorer returns — its own error message. Yes, you can turn that — off, but *surprise* it’s pretty tricky to find — buried as a switch called “smart error — messages” That means, of course, that many of — Resin’s error messages are censored by default. — And, of course, you’ll be shocked to learn that — IIS always returns error messages that are long — enough to make Internet Explorer happy. The — workaround is pretty simple: pad the error — message with a big comment to push it over the — five hundred and twelve byte minimum. Of course, — […]

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