GaMerZ WordPress Plugins Updated: Lester (GaMerZ) has updated most of his plugins to work with WordPress 2.2 Some of the updates are bugfixes while others have new and requested features. WP-Polls now features multiple options, future poll scheduling, poll data log mining and some parts of the admin backend are now AJAXed. WP-PageNavi has been revamp in terms of looks and options as you can see at the bottom of this page, it features digg style design navigation with the use of style sheet and now almost all the options can be set in “WP-Admin -> Options -> PageNaviâ€. There are some new features in WP-Ban, like banned by referrers url, banned by specific IP range, exclude a specific IP from being banned and the ability to preview banned message. He has also added a scheduler to WP-DBManager, the ability to optimize, backup, backup and email the database dump file […]
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