There is not much that I can say in a few words here that you have not already heard elsewhere in the news. However, I would like to pay my respects to Steve.
Steve Jobs was and will be one of the greatest influencers in my life. I learned about him in college, started to follow his career and philosophy as a student of his, and became an ardent fan of the man and his career as I learned more about him. He was a brilliant thinker, a fantastic leader and a living legend to me. His commitment to the computing experience is shared by many but is paralleled by few.

Steve Jobs
His death is even closer to home because of personal reasons but I mourn his loss with more heaviness in my heart than I have ever felt for someone I have only known through the media. I can selfishly say that it comes as a huge shock to me. I cannot imagine what his immediate family and his Apple family feel right now. My thoughts and prayers are with them.
Hats off to you Mr. Jobs. A part of you will continue to live in me and everything I do and say. That is a promise.
Amazing man, I wonder if Apple will be able to still be the same company? I guess time will tell…
It´s a pity to die so young and with that potential…
We should try to live our life to the limit, starting today.
Yes, he was so young, but he fight although 7 years against cancer. He changed us and changed our use of technology. Your phone is your “best friend” now.
I only recently started recognising who he was which was sadly too late. When I saw some of this presentations on youtube, I realised what the fuss was all about. He was so natural on stage in front of everyone and his demeanour really brought the emotional fun aspect of the products to the surface. A sad loss for the business community.
good bye Mr. Jobs, 🙁
True visionary, the man did a lot to help the tech industry and helped push some amazing products. He will be sorely missed. RIP Steve Jobs.
good bye Mr. Jobs T__T
A great man and a true visionary. His place in the technology sector i am afraid will never be filled